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Yuni Ambarwati Lare Osing, Tabanan Regency DPRD Candidate for Electoral District 1 Giving Support on Mother's Day

Yuni Ambarwati Lare Osing, Tabanan Regency DPRD Candidate for Electoral District 1 Giving Support on Mother's Day
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That morning the atmosphere was so bright and lively, more or less 200 and women gathered in the hall of STIKOM DENPASAR BALI on the floor 4 Jln. Raya Puputan No 86 Bali.

PW Wanita Islam Bali held activities to commemorate Mother's Day with the theme "Caring for Orphans and Dhuafa". Attended by PD Wanita Islam from 8 district se- Bali(Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar , Tabanan, Jembrana, Buleleng, Karang Asem, Klungkung). In giving his appreciation to Muslim women throughout Bali,It was said by the PW committee, Mrs. Roro and Mrs. Ningsih, that activities were made that were directly applicable in contact with the conscience and feelings as well as the emotions and expressiveness of a mother.. Namely by sharing with orphans and poor people as well as a poetry reading competition for Islamic women- Bali.

Head of PW Muslim Women of Bali Hj. Sri Widyastuti felt proud of the potential possessed by the PD WI mothers who appeared at the event. He did not expect that the enthusiasm and abilities of the poetry competition participants were so great and above average ,like seeing a poetry reading performance on a cultural theatrical stage in general.

The event took place Monday 18 December 2023 start at 09.00-16.00 WITA was attended by, among others, Dr. Dadang Hermawan, an education practitioner, Chancellor of STIKOM Bali ( Denpasar and Singaraja campuses) who is also a DPR candidate- RI Bali Electoral District Democratic Party H. Mardi Soemitro, SE. businessman who is also a DPR candidate- RI for the Bali electoral district from the Gelora party. As well as Denpasar City Pawnshop officials ( as an event sponsor).

Yuni Ambarwati is a candidate for the Nasdem Party DPRD District Election District 1 Tabanan- Karambitan no massage 9, who was asked to attend as a judge at the PW WI Bali event before announcing the name of the winner in his speech conveyed several things related to operational and technical guidelines that participants must pay attention to.

According to him, reading poetry requires memorizing the material ,even though he still brings the text on stage. Participants' performance in mastering the stage as well as voice stability and emotional control also needs to pay attention to dynamics, dialectics, Phrases and articulation must be precise and clear. The most important thing according to legislative candidate Lare Osing is that the main modal voice has character or has the power of the abdominal voice/diaphragm ,mastery of material/interpretation and fragmentation of words/sentences with stable emotional control.
If all the techniques are mastered then reading poetry will be interesting as if you are speaking to convey a message that involves the audience's feelings and there is two-way communication.,The reader and listener will feel the same thing.

Although the statement is a monologue.