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Red Island Tour Closes Two Days

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BANYUWANGI – Setelah sempat dibuka, Red Island Beach tourist location in Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi Regency, temporarily closed for Monday and Tuesday (29-30/6/2020), for the preparation of new habits.

Dilansir dari Radar Banyuwangi – Jawa Pos, during new habits later, The mainstay tourist location of Banyuwangi Regency will limit its visitors.

“Sekarang masih menjalankan simulasi, the point is we have agreed that tourist attractions are open again,” cetus Camat Pesanggaran, Generous Sugiyo.

When it opens, it's clear, visitors are limited to a maximum 700 people per day, and visiting hours will also be limited. For the time, only wednesday to friday.

“Selain hari itu ditutup total, This is to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in tourist areas," he explained.

He added, Body temperature checks will also be carried out strictly. If visitors are detected high heat, not allowed to come to Red Island.

“Itu ketentuan yang harus dijalankan oleh pengelola wisata,He said.

As long as the tourist location is closed, it's clear, many service actors at that location complain.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, These business actors depend on visitors for their lives.

“Pedagang asongan, photographer, travel driver, home stay owner, and culinary people have no income during the pandemic," he said.

With the opening of this tourist spot, It is hoped that business actors can be active again. They, can have income for their daily needs.

“Dibuka tapi harus menaati protol kesehatan secara ketat,He said.

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