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Wakapolres Aldian Shifted to Polda

GREETINGS COMMAND: Periodically (left) with Agus Widodo after the certificate yesterday.
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GREETINGS COMMAND: Periodically (left) with Agus Widodo after the certificate yesterday.

BANYUWANGI – Jabatan Wakapolres Banyuwangi diserahterimakan pejabat lama, Police Commissioner Muhammad Aldian, to his successor, namely Commissioner Agus Widodo, yesterday. Handover of the department (certificate) led by the Banyuwangi Police Chief, AKBP Nanang Masbudi, it took place in the Dhira Brata hall of the Banyuwangi Police.

The new Aldian 11 months as Wakapolres Banyuwangi will occupy a new position as Head of Sub-Directorate of Bintibluh Ditbinmas Polda Jatim. Substitute, Commissioner Agus Widodo, Previously served as Wakapolres Blitar "Goodbye Mr. Aldian", and welcome Mr. Agus Widodo,"said the Chief of Police Nanang while leading the certificate yesterday.

Police Chief said, The mutation, which is now being carried out at the Banyuwangi Police, is a common thing in the National Police. “This mutation is for refreshment. Besides that, to increase professionalism in carrying out police duties. Police must always be professional in carrying out their duties,he explained.

The Chief of Police reminded all his subordinates that the task of the police in the future will be even more difficult. The student brawl case becomes the attention of the police. "Preventing brawls is the focus of the police's job."," he said.

In addition to being attended by the police chief, yesterday's certificate was also attended by the head of the section (head of), head of unit (invisible), and the police chief in the Banyuwangi Police Environment. "Personally, when there are words and actions that are wrong, we apologize profusely,” said Commissioner M. Periodically. (radar)

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