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Vacuum Since 3 January 2024, PCNU Banyuwangi Finally Led by Karteker

Vacuum Since 3 January 2024, PCNU Banyuwangi Finally Led by Karteker
Register your email to Subscribe to news delivered directly to your mailbox – Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management (PCNU) Banyuwangi has been on hiatus since early January 2024 then.

Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) decided that PCNU Banyuwangi under the leadership of Tanfidziyah Chairman KH Ali Makki Zaini would not be extended any longer.

Previously, PBNU extended the tenure of PCNU Banyuwangi by two extensions.

The first, PBNU issued a decree extending the Banyuwangi PCNU SK with number: 249/A. II.04.d/07/2023 regarding the extension of the solemn period of the Banyuwangi Regency PCNU until 3 October 2023.

Read Also: PCNU Banyuwangi Experiences Power Vacuum, PBNU has never approved the SK extension application

The second extension is contained in letter number: 249/A. II.04.d/09/2023. In this letter, PCNU Banyuwangi's service time ends 3 January 2024.

Quoted from the NU Online page, PBNU's latest decision is to appoint the management of Banyuwangi PCNU characters.

The chairman of Tanfidziyah Karteker PCNU Banyuwangi is KH Chaerul Soleh. Meanwhile, Rais Syuriyah is held by Gus Athoillah Saladin.

According to KH Chaerul Soleh, The determination of the management of the Banyuwangi PCNU character is purely an organizational consolidation step.

This is based on PBNU policy which was approved by Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar and approved by PBNU General Chair KH Yahya Cholil Staquf.

Read Also: PBNU has not yet responded to the application for extending the decree, PCNU Banyuwangi has had a vacuum for more than a week

"So, This is purely an organizational decision. This step is not part of wanting to invite something outside the organization. This is purely an organizational decision,"said KH Chaerul Soleh.

KH Chaerul Soleh? This PCNU Banyuwangi character turned out to be the son-in-law of the late KH. Thohir, Caretaker of Darus Sholah Islamic Boarding School, Tegalpare, Muncar District, Banyuwangi.

KH Chaerul Soleh is also the brother-in-law of the United Development Party politician, Sy. Anas Tahir, who is currently a member of the DPR RI.

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Page 3 – Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management (PCNU) Banyuwangi has been on hiatus since early January 2024 then.

Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) decided that PCNU Banyuwangi under the leadership of Tanfidziyah Chairman KH Ali Makki Zaini would not be extended any longer.

Previously, PBNU extended the tenure of PCNU Banyuwangi by two extensions.

The first, PBNU issued a decree extending the Banyuwangi PCNU SK with number: 249/A. II.04.d/07/2023 regarding the extension of the solemn period of the Banyuwangi Regency PCNU until 3 October 2023.

Read Also: PCNU Banyuwangi Experiences Power Vacuum, PBNU has never approved the SK extension application

The second extension is contained in letter number: 249/A. II.04.d/09/2023. In this letter, PCNU Banyuwangi's service time ends 3 January 2024.

Quoted from the NU Online page, PBNU's latest decision is to appoint the management of Banyuwangi PCNU characters.

The chairman of Tanfidziyah Karteker PCNU Banyuwangi is KH Chaerul Soleh. Meanwhile, Rais Syuriyah is held by Gus Athoillah Saladin.

According to KH Chaerul Soleh, The determination of the management of the Banyuwangi PCNU character is purely an organizational consolidation step.

This is based on PBNU policy which was approved by Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar and approved by PBNU General Chair KH Yahya Cholil Staquf.

Read Also: PBNU has not yet responded to the application for extending the decree, PCNU Banyuwangi has had a vacuum for more than a week

"So, This is purely an organizational decision. This step is not part of wanting to invite something outside the organization. This is purely an organizational decision,"said KH Chaerul Soleh.

KH Chaerul Soleh? This PCNU Banyuwangi character turned out to be the son-in-law of the late KH. Thohir, Caretaker of Darus Sholah Islamic Boarding School, Tegalpare, Muncar District, Banyuwangi.

KH Chaerul Soleh is also the brother-in-law of the United Development Party politician, Sy. Anas Tahir, who is currently a member of the DPR RI.