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After being persecuted, This teenager in Banyuwangi was immediately sodomized by his friend

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Banyuwangi Police Chief Commissioner Nasrun Pasaribu when releasing the case of molestation of minors at Banyuwangi Police Headquarters (Photo :

SINERGIJATIM.COM – A teenage boy in Banyuwangi became a victim of sodomy committed by his friend. Before being sodomized, The victim was first assaulted until the perpetrator threatened to kill him.

Banyuwangi Police Chief Commissioner Pol Nasrun Pasaribu said, This incident started when the suspect with the initials S (20) ask victim B for help (17) to take him to Wonosobo.

“Jadi antara korban dan pelaku ini sudah saling mengenal,” kata Nasrun saat konferensi pers di Mapolresta Banyuwangi, Thursday 13 January 2022.

In the middle of the trip, The suspect asked the victim to take him to the parcel area (plantation) which is in Muncar District. The suspect then asked the victim to wait in an empty house, on the grounds that he wanted to find wood first.

around 23.30 WIB, The victim asked the suspect to go home because it was late at night. However, the suspect refused and suddenly hit the victim with a piece of wood from behind.

As a result of the blow, The victim suffered injuries to the neck, temples and ears. “Karena ketakutan, The victim immediately begged the suspect not to be killed,” ungkap Nasrun.

Seeing that the prey is already scared, The suspect then asked the victim to suck his penis. Not only that, He also sodomized the victim and again ordered him to suck the suspect's genitals.

Satisfied to vent his lecherous lust, The suspect immediately left the victim in Palurejo Village, Muncar District. “Korban langsung melaporkan kejadian tersebut ke aparat kepolisian setempat,” kata Nasrun.

The police immediately moved quickly until they finally managed to arrest the suspect. To be held accountable for his actions, the suspect was charged under the Child Protection Law with the threat of punishment 15 years of imprisonment.

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