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Illegal Parking Person on Jalan Plengsengan Ancol Beach, Banyuwangi, Arrested by Police

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The police in Banyuwangi are committed to eradicating thuggery in their jurisdiction. Just like what the Banyuwangi Police did.

Recently there were seven perpetrators of extortion on Jalan Plengsengan, Lateng Kelurahan Village, Banyuwangi District/Regency was arrested.
They are Roni Ardiansyah (21), Yuda Bastian (22), Rahmat Wahyudi (27), Ocean (30), Rosi Tri Saputro (19), Riyan Efendi (21) and Slamet Wahyudi (33).

On the pretext of parking money, The seven perpetrators, who were local residents, were caught red-handed collecting or asking for money from visitors who wanted to visit the Plengsengan area of ​​Ancol Beach, Banyuwangi., Saturday (19/6/2021) night.

“They are proven to have committed extortion, quibble parking money. The motorcycle fare is Rp. 2.000,- and a car of Rp. 5.000,-.

You must have permission from the relevant department, but all of that is not the case," said Ipda Sadimun, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Banyuwangi Police, Monday (21/6/2021).

Unmitigated, Sadimun said, The extortion proceeds collected by the perpetrators when they were detained amounted to Rp. 632.000,-.

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