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Big Truck Running on Jalan Kota Genteng, The road is totally congested due to turning back on the prohibited route

Big Truck Running on Jalan Kota Genteng, The road is totally congested due to turning back on the prohibited route
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ROOFTILE, Jawa Pos Radar Tile – Traffic discipline in the center of Genteng City, seems really lame. Even though there has been a ban on large vehicles entering the city center on Jalan Gajah Mada, Kulon Tile Village, Tile District, but there are still many who do not comply.

Expedition trontoon truck carrying full freight, not just sneaking into the main streets of shops and markets in the city center, but this truck actually turned around on the highway, Monday (4/12). “Large vehicles such as trucks and tanks still often enter Genteng City, even though it is prohibited,” said Acting Police Chief Genteng, Inspector Nanang Wardhana.

So far, said Nanang, the number of large trucks entering the city route, making the highway even more congested. Even though all this time, The road in the shopping center is jammed every morning and afternoon. “We put up a ban on entry banner, often damaged and torn, I don't know who ripped it off," he said.

Because of the broken banner, it's clear, Information on traffic diversion for large trucks from the east must pass through Jalan Hasyim Asyari, Genteng Wetan Village, Tile District, often unknown to drivers. "The original driver here already knows (there are restrictions), Most of those who violate it are drivers from outside the area," he said.

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Nanang, who is also Head of the Genteng Police Traffic Unit, stated that guarding the road to the city center will be tightened ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays. (Nataru). “Apart from being given a banner, members will look after it later, because the volume of vehicles will increase and congestion is prone to occur," he said.

From his uncle, it's clear, at least five large vehicles pass through the prohibited route every day. That big vehicle, had to turn back because people were reprimanded, and that creates traffic jams. “When we are on the field, must be reprimanded and given understanding,"he said.

For Nataru, he still said, As usual, the Genteng Police will create a Security and Health Post which will probably be built in front of the old terminal. "We will build it soon (security posts)," he said.

One of the clothing traders near the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Nur Khotib, 45, said he often alerted drivers of large vehicles that were entering Jalan Gajah Mada. "I sell on the side of the road, often tell the driver," he said.(sas/abi)

Source: Jawa Pos Radar Tile

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