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Banyuwangi TKI Victims of Violence in Taiwan

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Tortured by the Employer, Just 6 Coma Moon

BANYUWANGI – Bupati Abdullah Azwar Anas mengunjungi Sihatul Alfiyah alias Uun, TKI from Banyuwangi undergoing treatment at the hospital (RS) Yousheng Tainan, Taipei, last Monday (10/3). Woman from Plalampangrejo Village, Cluring District, I've been in a coma for about six months. Uun was unconscious after being tortured by his employer in Taiwan.

Regent Anas took the time to visit Uun on the sidelines of a working visit and to attend Ikawangi Taiwan's birthday. Currently Uun is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Southern Taiwan which is approx 250 kilometers from the capital Taipei. Regent Anas' visit was intended to find out and confirm Uun's health condition. Even though he has been undergoing treatment in hospital for six months, Uun's condition has not improved.

When Regent Anas arrived in the treatment room, Uun can't communicate at all. Based on information from the hospital, Uun was in a coma because his brain tissue was not functioning due to a blocked oxygen supply. ”Kita sedang berkonsultasi dengan Kantor Dagang Indonesia (KDI) in Taiwan for the process and follow-up Uun,"said Regent Anas.

Definite, said Anas, Uun's current condition is very worrying and requires immediate action. His side, continued Anas, We are waiting for the Uun family's official stance on whether they will continue to be treated in Taiwan or whether they will be brought back to Indonesia. If the family wants Uun to be returned to Indonesia, The Banyuwangi Regency Government immediately coordinated with BNP2TKI and KDI in Taiwan. ”Saya masih menunggu keputusan dan sikap dari keluarga Uun selanjutnya,Said Anas.

Uun left for Taiwan on 2012 via the official TKI route of PT Sinergi Binakarya. The work contract that was agreed and signed was to care for parents. Even though the work contract was to care for parents, It turns out that after arriving in Taiwan, Uun was employed as a milkmaid and cowshed cleaner in Liouying, Tainan City District. He had to milk and clean the stall 300 cows every day.

Uun reportedly often received torture from an employer named Huang Deng Jin. Because he couldn't stand being tortured, he once complained to PT and asked to change jobs. The agent has also visited Uun's employer's house. But, Uun can't change jobs. Even, he is being tortured more and more by the employer. (radar)

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