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Visit Ketapang Banyuwangi Harbor, Head of BMKG : Bali Strait weather is safe during Christmas

Visit Ketapang Banyuwangi Harbor, Head of BMKG : Bali Strait weather is safe during Christmas
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Banyuwangi, – Good news for Ketapang crossing service users – Gilimanuk. During the Christmas and New Year holidays (Nataru), The weather in the Bali Strait shipping route is relatively safe. This was said by the Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati on the sidelines inspecting ASDP Ketapang Port, Banyuwangi.

Over the Christmas period, In areas south of the equator, including Java and Bali, the weather is relatively sunny. This condition was triggered by cyclonic influences in the South China Sea and near Belitung. So that, rain clouds do not form much, The intensity of rain also decreases.

“During the Christmas period extreme weather is possible only in areas north of the equator. Like Sumatra, Aceh, and Kalimantan,” said the former Chancellor of Gadjah Mada University.

Especially the Bali Strait, The potential for bad weather is predicted to occur at the turn of the year. This phenomenon is the result of gusts of the Asian monsoon moving into Indonesian territory. This triggers the formation of rain clouds. However, It is estimated that conditions are relatively safe.

“Entering the new year, the potential is still low, but there was an increase towards the end of the year and the beginning of the year. Even so, you need to be careful,” clear.

His visit to ASDP Ketapang Port was to coordinate if there were problems with the crossing due to weather. So that, The crossing is safe and there are no disturbances.

BMKG will routinely notify weather conditions from the time they are predicted to occur and are detected starting to occur. Then, final report if alert appears.

The information signal is then forwarded to all relevant stakeholders to be followed up according to the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) respective agencies. “In fact, we already do this routinely. However, because this is a big moment that causes a surge in passengers, it needs to be prepared to be more alert,” the lid. (flowers/hen)

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