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Improve Quality, Head of Raker

LEFT TO RIGHT: Lecturer at State University of Malang Dr Syaat Padmanthara delivered the material accompanied by Hamami, and Hanafi at Hotel Minakjinggo, Glenmore, last Saturday.
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LEFT TO RIGHT: Lecturer at State University of Malang Dr Syaat Padmanthara delivered the material accompanied by Hamami, and Hanafi at Hotel Minakjinggo, Glenmore, last Saturday.

GLENMORE–Principal Working Group (K3S) Clusters throughout Banyuwangi held a work meeting (Raker) at Hotel Minakjinggo, Glenmore Kecamatan District. The activity was launched for two days starting 20 until 21 October 2012 then.

Head of K3S Banyuwangi Hanafi said:, The raker has various purposes. Among them, to improve the professionalism of the principal, broaden knowledge related to education policies of the central and local governments.

Also looking for solutions to problems faced by school principals with a local genius approach,'' he said, yesterday. The activity, he continued, also intended to increase the innovation of the principal. Because, This step is very necessary to support the quality of education for students.

It is very important for the principal to have a creative attitude,'' said the principal of SDN I Tile. Meanwhile, The activity was attended by the Head of the Banyuwangi Education Office, Sulihtiyono, and the Banyuwangi Education Consultant, Dr Syaat Padmanthara, Malang State University lecturer.

Besides that, Korwas Joko Sulis, and Chairman of UPTD Banyuwangi Nur Hamim, also seems to be present in the middle 150 raker participant. Previously, Syaat Padmanthara has just escorted the Principal's Working Meeting group (MKKS) SMA se Banyuwangi to Malaysia and Singapore.

The purpose is in the framework of a comparative study to Segambuta Jaya and Victory Kuala Lumpur national secondary schools. The comparative study took place in 11-13 September 2012 then. (radar)

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