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Three Banyuwangi ASNs Are Recorded As Social Assistance Recipients, Here's the Fact

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Illustration of Social Assistance

This news surprised many. How not, three State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java ( East Java ) registered as a recipient of social assistance.

This news was confirmed by the Regional Coordinator of the BNPT Program at the Office of Social Empowerment of Women and Family Planning, (DINSOS-PPKB) Eli Sulis Setyorini.

The details of civil servants receiving social assistance, two people as recipients of Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) and 1 ASN as beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH).

Eli conveyed that this was revealed based on a report from the Supreme Audit Agency (CPC), Where there is 18 ASN indicated as recipient of social assistance.

“We made an inventory of the data and found findings 4 ASN. But after we checked into the field there was 2 ASN is recorded as receiving BPNT. Information from the PKH coordinator, there is 1 ASN who receive PKH. All three work as teachers,” cover Eli, confirmed Friday (10/12/2021).

Quoted from, media network, Eli said the three names listed were people who had just been appointed ASN.

So those who used to get social assistance, when officially appointed ASN his name was still stuck in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

“We have reported to the center so that these names are removed from the list of beneficiaries. To the three names, we have requested that the beneficiary's family card be returned,” he insisted.

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