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Demy's Voice Infiltrates the Cockpit

“SAYA request lagunya Demy tutupe Wirang. Kalau nggak ada kesekso kangen juga boleh”. Requests for songs on a community radio suddenly entered the cockpit of the Cessna trainer plane 125 piloted by the Banyuwangi Pilot School.

Even though at that time the pilot was seriously communicating with Blimbingsari Airport ATC. Community radio interference is also often felt by pilots who fly planes on the Bali-Banyuwangi and Banyuwangi-Surabaya routes..

Some time ago, an ATR type Garuda aircraft pilot 72-600, Daud, playing there are no problems while flying the French manufacturer's aircraft. Everything went smoothly. He also admitted that he was happy because the passengers on the Surabaya-Denpasar-Banyuwangi route were quite good. 'Good. Everything is good, The weather is also great,” ujar Daud yang kala itu memiloti pesawat bernomor penerbangan GA4301 rute Denpasar- Banyuwangi-Surabaya.

Even though he claimed to be able to fly Garuda planes smoothly with capacity 75 the seat is smooth, Daud was disturbed by radio frequency communication. These stray frequencies are known to come from several community radio frequencies (cancer).

“Frekuensi liar itu perlu ditertipkan agar tidak menggangu komunikasi penerbangan,” keluhnya kala itu. The entry of the song request clearly disrupts the logging path. Conditions like this are often experienced by all pilots and prospective pilots at SPB.

To avoid frequency interference, SPB pilot candidates fly planes above an altitude of 3.50o meters. “Dibawah 3000 meter there is still community radio frequency interference. Distractions when trying to land or take oof,” ujar Ade Sugandi Kepala Kurikulum SPB dihubungi kemarin.

Regarding the emergence of frequency disturbances, long ago the SPB had reported it to the airport. However, until now there has been no outreach to the owner of the community radio. Ade acknowledged that the existence of community radios around the airport was quite disturbing to flights.

“There must be supervision of community radio. At certain hours they are allowed on air. O'clock 08.00 until 15.30 banned on air because of busy flights,” saran Ade. In addition to community radio frequency interference, the proliferation of cellular tower networks around the airport is also disturbing.

There must be a reassessment of the existence of the cellular tower. “Saya sudah menelepon Pak Ali Ruchi (Banyuwangi Dishubkominfo officials) to review the construction of towers around the airport,” tandas Ade.

Head of Class III Blimbingsari Airport, Banyuwangi Sigit Widodo admits that there has been no significant interference due to community radio. even so, its presence must remain vigilant. What is dangerous if the wave used belongs to the airport,” he added. (radar)

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