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Mount Ijen's status rises to alert! Visitors are prohibited from getting close to the crater

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Journalist Report Tribune Jatim Network, Aflahul Abidin

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, Banyuwangi – Status Gunung Ijen naik dari normal (level I) be alert (level II).

The increase in status was stated in a letter increasing the level of activity of Mount Ijen issued by the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia number number of status rank letter.: 1.Lap/GL.03/BGL./2023.

Mount Ijen's status has been raised since Saturday (7/1/2023) o'clock 14.00 WIB.

Head of Volcano Observation Post (GAPP) Ijen Suparjan confirmed the matter of increasing the status of Mount Ijen.

Suparjan said, The increase in status follows an increase in volcanic activity that occurred this January.

One of the indicators affecting the increase in the status of Mount Ijen is the increase in the temperature of the crater lake water 16 degrees Celsius in December 2022 Becomes 45,6 degrees Celsius in early January 2023.

The increase in temperature also changes the color of the crater lake from dark green to pale green and whitish.

“Serta dari sisi kegempaannya,” kata Suparjan, when confirmed.

The Geological Agency notes, The seismicity of Mount Ijen has been dominated by surface earthquakes since 1 January 2023, namely in the form of recorded shallow volcanic earthquakes 82 times and earthquake gusts 32 kali.

There are several recommendations issued due to the increase in the status of Mount Ijen to be alert.

First, the community around Mount Ijen and visitors are prohibited from approaching the crater within a radius 1,5 kilometer (km) from the mouth of the crater.

Second, Communities living along the Panyu Pait River are asked to always be alert to the potential threat of dangerous volcanic gas flows.

They were also asked to pay attention to the development of Mount Ijen's activities.

Third, The public is asked to use a respirator cover mask when smelling the pungent smell of sulfur gas.

Final, local government, BKSDA, and BPBD were asked to coordinate with PPGA Ijen or the center for volcanology and geological disaster mitigation.

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