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Fisherman's Unmanned Speed ​​Boat Found in Pancer Waters

Photo: banyuwangitimes
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Photo: banyuwangitimes

BANYUWANGI – An unmanned speed boat was found by fishermen around the waters of Pancer, Banyuwangi. It is not known who owns the speed boat. That's because no documents in the speed boat were found 35 miles from that beach.

Reported from banyuwangitimes, The fast boat is now secured at the Pancer Navy Post. Officers are still conducting investigations regarding the findings of this speed boat.

The speed boat was found by a fisherman named Ribut Santoso, Pancer Village residents, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, Saturday 27 April 2019 around 15.00 WIB. The speed boat was found tossed about not far from the FADs where fishermen are looking for fish.

“When you go home to Pancer on Sunday (28/4), This speed boat was handed over to the Indonesian Navy Post by the fisherman,” said the Commander of Lanal Banyuwangi Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) Yulius Azz Zainal via Pasi Intel Special Marine Captain (KH) Eco Kawitono, Monday (29/4/2019).

Next, officers make a report on the handover from fishermen to the Navy Post. After checking, on that fast ship, only found jerry cans for fuel and outboard engines 85 PK.

“No other items were found on the ship. The speed boat is now secured at the Pancer Navy Post,” Eko said.

Temporary guess, continued Eko, The speed boat was probably dragged by the current until it finally swayed into the waters of Pancer.

“It could be that the fast boat comes from Bali or Banyuwangi. We have coordinated with Lanal Denpasar and Gilimanuk regarding this,” clear Eko.

“For people who feel like ship owners, You can come directly to Lanal Banyuwangi or directly to the TNI AL Pancer Post,” he explained.

Eko added, Of course, to take the ship, you must include proof of legal ownership of the ship.

“While this speed boat is under the supervision of the Banyuwangi Navy,” strictly.