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Slamet Officially Becomes District Secretary

DEFINITIVE: Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas inaugurated Slamet Karyono as Banyuwangi District Secretary at the Pendapa Sabha Swagata Blambangan yesterday.
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DEFINITIVE: Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas inaugurated Slamet Karyono as Banyuwangi District Secretary at the Pendapa Sabha Swagata Blambangan yesterday.

After Six Months of Acting Status

BANYUWANGI – Slamet Karyono resmi menjabat Sekretaris Kabupaten (district secretary) Banyuwangi. The inauguration of a man who for the last six months has still had the status of acting officer (Plt) The secretary of state's office was carried out by Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas at the Pendapa Sabha Swagata Blambangan yesterday (23/7).

Information obtained, The process of appointing Slamet as the definitive secretary of the district took a long time because the district government had to wait for the approval of the Governor of East Java (East Java) and the Minister of the Interior (Minister of Home Affairs) RI. Nah, The inauguration was finally carried out because of the Decree (SK) Governor of East Java (East Java) Number 821.2/2245/212/ 2012 about the appointment in the department has come down.

Apart from appointing Slamet Karyono as Banyuwangi District Secretary, Decree dated 19 July 2012 It also explains that Slamet has the right to be promoted to echelon 2 A. "This decision has been effective since the appointment," said the head of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) Banyuwangi, Sis Wahyudi, when reading the decree yesterday.

In his speech, Regent Anas hopes that with the experience he has, Slamet can maintain bureaucratic stability and must be able to improve it in the future. "So that, bureaucratic shocks like previous experiences no longer occur," he said. Anas advised the Sla-met District Secretary to continue to increase his service.

One way, carry out side coordination, down, and up well. “We want to create an energetic bureaucracy, orderly, fast, and able to solve the situation accurately," he said. Confirmed at the same location, Slamet admitted that he already had a reference for his steps. The reference is Regional Regulations (Loss) Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD).

"The regional secretary's job is to help the regent prepare regional policies and coordinate them,he explained. According to Slamets, if coordination can be done well, then the heavy task he carries will be able to be completed well. "The important thing is friendship. Please if I'm wrong, I was reprimanded,"hope".

Meanwhile, confirmed that there are still many agencies within the Banyuwangi Regency Government which are led by officials with acting status (Plt), Regent Anas admitted that in the near future his party would appoint definitive officials to lead several of these agencies. Anas said, For a long time, the regeneration process of the office has been slow.

Therefore, His party continues to carry out cadre formation from below and accelerate echelonization. “Regeneration continues. We are accelerating inside. But, implementation must comply with the provisions,he explained. Asked about the length of the extension of Slamet Karyono's term of office, who is actually already at retirement age, Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas admitted that he was still waiting for the East Java Governor's approval.

“We have to see first the Governor's approval," he said. According to Regent Anas, by synergizing the seniority of Slamet Kar Yono as Sekkab and himself as regent, It is hoped that there will be a balance that will have a positive impact on the progress of Banyuwangi. (radar)

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