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MTs student in Banyuwangi dies after being run over by a trailer truck

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Head of Traffic Police Tile Polresta Banyuwangi, when Showing a Tow Truck That Hits an MTs Student on a Tile to Death, Monday(10/01). Jaenudin/

TI (14), a student of MTs Negeri Genteng, died after being involved in an accident on the Kaliputih road, Wetan Tile Village, Tile District, Banyuwangi, Monday (10/1/2022).

The victim died after being run over by a trailer truck wheel while riding a Honda Beat motorcycle, Nopol P 5401 QAG together with L (14) a school friend.

Head of Tile Police Traffic Unit, IPTU Nanang Wardhana confirmed the fatal accident.

“The scene is on the Kaliputih road on the Resomulyo line, Rooftile,' said Nana.

The accident, Nanang continued, involving a trailer truck loaded with rice with a registration number P 9451 VQ, which was steered by Abas, residents of Dusun Krajan, Kulon tile village, Tile District.

According to Nanang, The chronology of the incident began when the motorbike driven by the victim was traveling at high speed from north to south.

“The victim who was ridden, At that time, I was about to overtake the two motorcycles in front of her. But from the opposite direction a trailer truck appears,"said Nana.

Because the distance is near, The victim's motorcycle handlebar nudged one of the other motorcycles in front of him. The two of them fell.

“Si L fell and got injured. While IT, bounced to the right and entered under the trailer truck and was immediately run over by the right front wheel of the truck," he explained.

TI immediately died at the scene, while the other comrade, L only suffered injuries from a collision with the asphalt road.

"We urge if there are school children under the age of, parents better deliver. Because it's dangerous, according to the rules, you are not allowed to drive on the highway,” concluded Nanang Wardhana.

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