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Trihex Pill 'Flavored' Cereal Fails to be Smuggled in Banyuwangi Prison, Plans to be sold to prisoners Rp 30 Thousand

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Journalist Report East Java Tribune Network, Aflahul Abidin

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, BANYUWANGI – Penyelundupan bubuk campuran pil Trihexyphenidyl and cereals at Banyuwangi Class IIA prison was thwarted, Tuesday (17/1/2023).

As for mixed powder pil Trihexyphenidyl and cereals The smuggled goods were planned to be sold to the convicts.

How lucky, prison officials thwarted the attempt smuggling performed by a woman with the initials LA (34), residents of the Siliragung District.

LA plans to ship cereals “rasa” pil trihex itu untuk suami sirinya, MN (32).

“Menurut pengakuan yang bersangkutan, cereals will be sold to other assisted residents for Rp 20 thousand to Rp 30 thousand per glass,” kata Kalapas Banyuwangi Wahyu Indarto.

The mixed cereal is planned to be sold in beverage form.

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Two spoons of powder brewed with a glass of hot water.

Revelation said, smuggling This is a new mode in Banyuwangi Prison.

Previously, effort smuggling something similar has been done.

However, The ingredients used to mix the powdered G-list pills at that time were coffee grounds.

“Kalau lewat kopi, the color of the powder changes. So this is disguised, they use drinking powder cereals," he continued.

If mixed with coffee grounds, the color of the trihex pill powder will stand out.

Meanwhile when mixed with powder cereals, the color of the pill powder was faintly visible.


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