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Rogojampi-Ketapang Made 4 Column

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Pemkab Proposes Budget Rp 115 M to Central Government

BANYUWANGI – The Banyuwangi Regency Government proposed widening several national road sections in the APBN 2013. To add to the national road section, Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas proposed a budget of Rp 115 billion. Some of the points requested for additional sections are along Jalan Gatot Subroto in Kalipuro District. At the moment, the road that stretches from Bulusan Village to Ketapang Village, Kalipuro District, it only has two lanes.

The regency government wants the construction of four sections on Jalan Yos Sudarso, Sukowidi, Klatak Village, it was continued up to Jalan Gatot Subroto in Ketapang Village. The widening of Jalan Yos Sudarso uses the year's APBN budget 2009 and 2010. To widen the road into four lanes, The Banyuwangi Regency Government no longer uses the APBD budget but submits funds to the APBN 2013. The budget needed to widen the road is Rp 35 billion.

Repair of the road in front of the PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry port is also proposed. ready, the national road sections that are frequented by floods have been proposed in the revised state budget 2012. It is just, implementation postponed until budget 2013 coming. "We propose a budget of Rp 20 billion more,” said the Acting head of the Public Works Service (COULD) Highways, Cipta Karya and Spatial Banyuwangi, Mudjiono.

Apart from Jalan Gatot Subroto, The Banyuwangi Regency Government also proposed widening the national road on the Banyuwangi route- Rogojampi. Same with Jalan Gatot Subroto, This section only has two lanes, so that it is not balanced with the growth of vehicles passing on the road. The proposed budget is to add Banyuwangi roads- Rogojampi Rp 40 billion. "The regional government projects that the Banyuwangi-Rogojampi route will be built as a median,Mujiono said.

The national road from Kalibaru to Genteng Kulon is also proposed for improvement. It is considered by the government that the route does not maximally support the smooth flow of transportation. Although there is no addition of columns, but the regency government asked the central government to widen the road. "Vehicles that use the national road south route are getting congested. It's time for road widening,Mujiono explained.

The repair of the Muncar-Srono national road is also proposed to receive a repair budget. In the year 2012, This route has received a budget for repairs but not completed. Proposed budget Rp 115 it was submitted directly to the Director General of Highways of the Ministry of Public Works (COULD) RI some time ago. The letter of proposal and application was delivered directly by Regent Anas together with the Plt Head of Public Works Department of Highways, Cipta Karya, and Mudjiono Spatial Planning.

The Director General of Highways promised to pay attention to the proposal submitted by the Regent,He said. Apart from national roads, Regent Anas also proposed repairing a number of provincial roads. The road repair budget submitted to the Governor of East Java, Soekarwo, is around Rp 290 billion. The proposed budget was submitted to rehabilitate a number of provincial roads which had not been repaired for a long time. Some of the provincial roads are the axis of provincial roads starting from Genteng Kulon through Wonorekso to Rogojampi District, Mujiono said, it hasn't been touched for years.

So far, the road was only touched by patchwork repairs, the result was a bumpy road. For road repairs 15 Km it takes a budget of Rp 80 billion more. Another section proposed for improvement is the road from Jajag to Bangorejo Kecamatan 20 Km and the road from Glagahagung to Tegaldlimo District. "We have submitted the proposal to the governor. We hope that the budget realization will be included in the 2013 regional budget," he said. (radar)