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Thousands of People Bring KH Hasan Abdillah

FULL: Thousands of residents escorted the body of the late KH. Hasan Abdillah to the family funeral in the Hamlet of Sepanjang Wetan, Throughout Village, Glenmore Kecamatan District, Banyuwangi, yesterday.
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FULL: Thousands of residents escorted the body of the late KH. Hasan Abdillah to the family funeral in the Hamlet of Sepanjang Wetan, Throughout Village, Glenmore Kecamatan District, Banyuwangi, yesterday.

GLENMORE – Innalillahi wa innailaihirojiun, Nahdlatul Ulama residents and Banyuwangi residents lost an elderly ulama again. KH. Hasan Abdillah, 86, who is also the caretaker of the As-Siddiqy Islamic Boarding School, Throughout Village, Glenmore Kecamatan District, died at 22.45 Last Monday night (19/11).

News of the death of the late KH. Hasan Abdillah quickly spread to the surrounding community. That same night, a number of mosques and prayer rooms in Glenmore District immediately broadcast the news of the death of the deceased, local residents immediately flocked to the residence of the deceased east of Glenmore Market. It's getting late, more and more people are coming. Even, Many residents from outside the Glen More District flocked to the funeral home until the early hours of yesterday (20/11).

The next morning, Residents from various regions in Banyuwangi and outside the city continue to swarm to the house of the deceased. They take turns performing funeral prayers at the pesantren mosque. The peak, at 13.00, the streets of Glenmore Market are as crowded as an ocean of people. They lined the roadside waiting for the funeral procession which took place at 15.00 yesterday afternoon.

Watch this newspaper reporter, The residents' hysteria was no longer unstoppable when the bodies were dispatched from the Islamic boarding school prayer room to the family cemetery which was approx 700 meters to the south of the funeral home. Thousands of parishioners lined Glenmore Road scrambling to deliver the remains. During the journey, thousands of human hands took turns carrying the corpse to the final resting place. The first son of the late KH. Hasan Abdillah, that is H. Musthofa Hilmy says, before taking my last breath, the deceased is short of breath.

However, not long after, to the complaint is lost. That night around 22.00, KH. Hasan Abdillah goes to the bathroom for wudu. “He is used to never escaping from ablution,"said the former Tempo Magazine reporter. After ablution, a few minutes later the deceased returned short of breath. That night, the family took the initiative to bring KH. Hasan Abdillah to Bakti Husada Hospital, Krikilan, Glenmore Kecamatan District.

But, only a few meters the car carrying the deceased left the house, turns out one of the daughters of KH. Hasan Abdillah, namely Mrs.. Haula Afi ah, consider KH. Hasan is no longer likely to be taken to hospital. So, that night he decided to return again to the residence. “After arriving home and all the family gathered, we read the sentence of the creed together and soon after Abah died,” said the former journalist for the Editor's Magazine.

Gus Hilmi also mentioned that the deceased left behind three sons and two daughters and 21 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren of the first wife, namely the late Mrs. Hj. Nur AisyahGon doKusumo. With second wife, the late Mrs.. Hj. Sofiah Gondo Kusumo, the deceased is not blessed with children. (radar)

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