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Thousands of MI Students throughout East Java Gather in Banyuwangi, Follow the VIIIth Porseni

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Thousands of MI Students throughout East Java Gather in Banyuwangi, Follow the VIIIth Porseni

Sports and Art Events (Porcelain) MI ke-VIII di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, East Java. (Photo: Special)

BANYUWANGI, – Thousands of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students (MI) from all districts/cities throughout East Java Province (East Java) memadati Kabupaten Banyuwangi. They take part in Sports and Arts Week (Porcelain) The VIIIth MI was held from Tuesday-Friday (16-20/10/2023).

Not less than 3.344 people involved. Consist of 1.672 students who take part in competitions and 1.292 official as well 390 committee. They come from 38 districts/cities throughout East Java.

“Ini sebagai ajang untuk meningkatkan bakat dan prestasi para siswa madrasah sekaligus sebagai ajang untuk silaturahmi antar madrasah se Jawa Timur,” ungkap Kepala Kementerian Agama Provinsi Jawa Timur Husnul Maram, saat seremonial opening Porseni MI Jatim di Stadion Diponegoro, Tuesday night (17/10/2023).

During that week, Participants will take part in a number of competitions in sports and arts. Each consists of eight sports and eight arts. Among them is badminton, table tennis, lari 60/80M, martial arts, push the bullet, long jump, volley ball, chess.

Meanwhile, in the arts branch, there is an MTQ competition, Indonesian pildacil, pildacil Arabic, pildacil English, calligraphy, tahfidz, draw, poetry, sing Islamic songs

“Porseni dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kualitas MI se Jatim. So the students, insyaallah akan berprestasi. Academic achievement, nonakademik dan prestasi akhlakul karimah,” he added.

Meanwhile, Regent of Banyuwangi Ipuk Fiestiandani separately welcomed the activity. “Selamat berlaga kepada seluruh anak-anakku. Hopefully students will be born who excel and become talented artists," he said.

Ipuk also advised to enjoy Banyuwangi as comfortably as possible. “Kunjungi destinasi wisatanya, enjoy the culinary delights, and don't forget to buy souvenirs too," he said.

Ipuk admitted that he was happy that Banyuwangi was hosting various national and regional events. Previously, Last week, Banyuwangi became the location for the Tour of Kemala Bhayangkari bicycle race, which was attended by thousands of athletes and bicycle enthusiasts from various cities in Indonesia..

“This is certainly a blessing for the people of Banyuwangi, because many guests were present, of course the people's economy was moving. Culinary MSMEs are selling well, People's homestays are also full,” close it. (*)

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herald : Muhammad Nurul Yakin
Editor : Mahrus Sholih
