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Fat Police “Raid”

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Fat Police Illustration

71 Police Members Found Obesity

Dozens of police officers were found to be overweight while undergoing routine checks at the Banyuwangi Police, yesterday (10/10).

At least there is 71 members who are declared obese. Dozens of these personnel have body postures that are not ideal.

“This inspection is for “raid” belly fat or fat police,"said Kapolresta AKBP Nasrun Pasaribu through Head of Public Relations Iptu Lita Kurniawan.

Lita mentions members who have an unbalanced weight between heights, belly circumference, and weight especially under age 55 years will get a special portion of training and dietary assistance.

“We will also continue to conduct random urine tests over the next few years to ensure that members do not abuse drugs,” said Lita.

The program is carried out to restore the weight of police officers to be ideal.

Therefore, police officers can work better and energetic.

“We do it regularly and continuously until their weight is ideal. The police must be energetic and the weight must be ideal,” strictly.

The program will be carried out in stages until it is successful. Lita said this program applies at the Polsek and Polresta levels.

“Implementation of the program is carried out in stages and is evaluated monthly. Those who are found to be obese will undergo exercise together, some of them run, jogging, and gymnastics,” the light.

Lita added, Police officers who are overweight are advised to do regular exercise.
To lose weight. Police provide sports facilities.

“For today (yesterday) the agenda is weight and height check. For members who are obese, they must run around the Banyuwangi Police with a distance of about two kilometers,” Lita's toilet. (rio/aif)

Source : Java Post Radar Banyuwangi