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Hundreds of Al-Anwari Flagship Middle School Students Go Home Together

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Photo: Radar Banyuwangi – Jawa Pos

BANYUWANGI – As much as 248 junior high school students (SMP) Al-Anwari's flagship, Kertosari, Banyuwangi goes home together, Thursday (9/4/2020) yesterday.

Dilansir dari Radar Banyuwangi – Jawa Pos, hundreds of students who wanted to return to their respective homes were released directly by the Chairman of the Al Anwari Foundation KH Achmad Siddiq SAg MHI witnessed by representatives of the Transportation Service and the school committee.

For the second wave, The return of adult students will take place on Saturday 11 April 2020 tomorrow.

“Pemulangan santri secara masal ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengikuti anjuran pemerintah, MUI, and Foundation Meetings to reduce the increasingly uncertain turmoil of Covid-19 or the corona virus,” kata Kepala Sekolah SMP Unggulan Al Anwari Banyuwangi, Ahmad Sukardi SPd.

later, Sukardi continued, Santri students who have arrived home must still comply with health protocol regulations.

“Sebelum mereka pulang, we carry out health tests on santri students. Alhamdulillah, they are in good health,” kata Sukardi.

“Namun demikian, To avoid unwanted things, they must stay at home when they are at home,” he added.

Even though they were sent home, Sukardi explained, However, the teaching and learning process is still carried out online. Including Ramadan activities which will be carried out streaming so that students will still be monitored for their education while at home.

“SMP Unggulan Al Anwari saat ini membuka pendaftaran murid baru, wave one is here 77 accepted students. Currently we are still opening the second wave, Last registration date 8 May 2020. In total we accept new students 130 students,” kata Sukardi.

“Untuk informasi pendaftaran online bisa melalui ustad Mas’ul Latif 085258572006,” imbuhnya.

Chairman of the Al Anwari Foundation KH Achmad Siddiq SAg MHI said that students were asked to study at home until 6 June 2020 (if it is deemed safe).

Meanwhile, Teachers will give online assignments to students. While at home, He asked parents to monitor students so they don't contract corona.

“Kami meminta para santri berdoa selama di rumah agar bangsa Indonesia selamat dari wabah korona,” kata Gus Siddiq.

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