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Harjaba Peak is Studded with Artists, Half an hour 1000 Explosion

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BANYUWANGI – People's party in commemoration of Banyuwangi's anniversary (Harjaba) the 242nd last night (21/12) it was quite spectacular. Thousands of people in the city of Gandrung gathered blek in Blambangan Park to party to celebrate the anniversary of their region. On the night of the peak of Harjaba, a number of top artists from the older and younger generations of Blambangan Earth performed together to entertain the public.

The artists are Sumiyati, Alief S, Niken Arisandi, Reni Farida, Chandra Bayu, Fitri Tamara and Suliyana. They performed their favorite songs such as Konco Lawas, Rehana and Alit Bracelet. Sumiyati and Alief S seemed to invite the audience to reminisce about the artist who was once famous for bringing Banyuwangi to the Indonesian music scene.. Chandra Bayu, Reni Farida and Niken Arisandi who performed all out were able to hypnotize the audience.

Temporary, Suliyana is a beautiful artist who is on the rise, closed the performance of the senior artists with the songs Asmoro and Kite Swaro. Before the artists sing their hit songs, they sang ulan andhung-andhung together as the opening performance. Apart from being entertained by the music, the people who crowded Blambangan Park since 12 p.m 18.00 also entertained by the appearance of illusionist Bro Wasis, dancer and mentalist.

Besides that, Princess Surya Citra, Jebeng, who is a Discovery Banyuwangi model, performed a dream song by Anggg C. Sasmi. Apart from being studded with regional artists, The highlight of Banyuwangi's anniversary was also attended by a number of national figures. There is the CEO of the Bosowa Group, Erwin Aksa. The cement boss from Eastern Indonesia specially came to Banyuwangi to celebrate the anniversary with the people of Banyuwangi. “We deliberately came to provide encouragement, spirit, and encouragement to the people of Banyuwangi who succeeded in carrying out extraordinary changes and economic growth.

Happy birthday to all the people of Banyuwangi,said Erwin. Apart from Erwin, Also present was the Chairman of Perbanas, Sigit Promono. Sigit, who came with his large entourage from Jakarta, expressed his pride and honor to be in Banyuwangi to celebrate his anniversary.. “I feel at home in Banyuwangi. During these six months, I continue to follow the Banyuwangi series,said Sigit. Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas said, The 242nd Anniversary of Banyuwangi is a source of pride and happiness for all the people of Banyuwangi.

For the person of Regent Anas, Banyuwangi Anniversary as a spirit to continue to move forward to build an advanced and better Banyuwangi. According to Anas, at the age of 242, Banyuwangi still has many challenges and obstacles that have not been resolved. One of them, There are still many poor people even though we have reduced it 10 percent of the amount 1,6 million people. "We, together with the people of Banyuwangi, will work hard to reduce the number of poor people again,He said.

In addition to the poor population, continued Anas, targets to be worked on 2014 is to prioritize educational issues. "In the year of 2014 later, there can no longer be an unbroken school. Scholarship program for underprivileged students, We will prioritize scholarships for outstanding orphans and children with special abilities,” he said. In the year 2014 anyway, His party will evaluate the progress and performance of the bureaucracy.

Of course, we don't abandon the priority scale that supports our GRDP, agriculture and irrigation sectors. In the year 2014, The regional government will also encourage the completion of the construction of the Bajul Mati reservoir at a cost of Rp 350 that billion. On the peak night of Banyuwangi's anniversary, Wahyono was also awarded as the national MTQ champion, Santika Hotel, Ismaini is an exemplary teacher from SDN 2 Sarong, as well as compensation to orphaned children.

The people's party closed with a thousand explosions of fireworks for half an hour. Fireworks with sparks flying in the air decorated the sky of Blambangan Earth. Until o'clock 23.30, Thousands of residents have not yet left Blambangan Park to immortalize this beautiful moment by photographing these fireworks. The new residents left the Blambangan Park field at around 12:00 p.m 24.30. (radar

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