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PT Bumi Suksesindo Strengthens the Role of Education in Banyuwangi Through Strategic Collaboration

PT Bumi Suksesindo Strengthens the Role of Education in Banyuwangi Through Strategic Collaboration
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BANYUWANGI – PT Bumi Suksesindo (PT BSI) continues to prove its commitment to actively participate in improving Human Resources (HR) Banyuwangi people. Especially the younger generation or millennials.

This time, a subsidiary of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (PT MCG), establishing cooperation in the field of vocational education and improving human resources with four institutions in Banyuwangi. Namely Banyuwangi State Polytechnic (Poliwangs), Vocational and Productivity Training Center (BPVP) Banyuwangi, PGRI Pesanggaran Vocational School and Muhammadiyah Vocational School 8 Siliragung (SMK Models).

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement (PKS) The event took place at the Poliwangi campus, Thursday, (7/12/2023).

President Director of PT BSI, Adi Adriansyah Sjoekri, had the opportunity to represent the company at the event entitled "Establishing Harmony in Vocational Education and Industry for a Superior Future". He was accompanied by the Director of PT BSI, Riyadi Effendi, General Manager of Operations (GMO) PT BSI, Roelly Fransza, along with ranks.

In celebration, Adi Adriansyah Sjoekri, said that this collaboration is part of the company's commitment to continue to contribute to the development of human resources in Banyuwangi.

“We want to expand the company's positive impact on society, especially the people of Banyuwangi. We will evaluate the cooperation which is valid for five years every year according to existing developments," he said during the signing ceremony.

He added, based on his experience in the world of work, There is still a mismatch in competency between graduates of educational institutions and the needs of the world of work. This can be an obstacle for job seekers. And implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) It is hoped that this can be a solution to this problem.

“We hope that this effort can align the world of education with the world of work,"said Adi, his familiar greeting.

PT BSI's commitment to improving the quality of Banyuwangi's human resources is also accelerated through the realization of the Community Development and Empowerment program (PPM) or commonly called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Previously, PT BSI has distributed scholarships to 60 outstanding students in Bumi Blambangan through the BSI Scholarship program 2023. This scholarship covers D3 education level, D4, and S1.

The PT BSI Scholarship Program for D3-S1 has been running since 2014 with as many beneficiaries as possible 171 person, on average 19 recipients every year.

"These programs are a manifestation of the application of good mining engineering principles or Good Mining Practices," he said.

Manajer Training and Development PT BSI, Deni Indra Kelana added, Mount Tumpang Pitu gold mine operator continues to strive to become a reference for the world of mining in Indonesia. Especially in developing superior human resources.

“In the future, people are looking for competent workers in Banyuwangi,He said.

Meanwhile, Director Poliwangi Shofiúl Amin, S.ST., M.T. appreciates PT BSI's initiative to establish this collaboration.

“It is very rare for companies to start collaboration initiatives with educational institutions,he said.

Add, Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs Poliwangi, Abdul Rohman hopes that the collaboration will make it easier for students to get jobs.

“We will work together. Moreover, things like this are very good for education and research with the community. Everyone can work together to develop," he said.

In line with Adi Sjokeri, Shofiul Amin and Abdul Rohman, hopes that this collaboration can bridge the world of education and industry, which according to him are still distant. Therefore, The quality required by the industry can be met from existing educational institutions.

Need to know, Pesanggaran District, Banyuwangi, East Java, is indeed the location of PT BSI's investment, as the holder of Production Operation Mining Business Permit (IUP ON) Gold and its Follower Minerals, Number 188/547/KEP/429.011/2012.

The area of ​​Pesanggaran Subdistrict includes Kandangan Village, Sarong, Sumberagung, Sumbermulyo and Pesanggaran.

The subsidiary of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk has been declared a National Vital Object (Obvitnas) according to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 159.K/90/MEM/2020. This Domestic Investment Company or PMDN has production operations in Sumberagung Village, Subdistrict of Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi.

As an investor, PT BSI continues to strengthen its commitment to the community. The PPM program continues to be launched with 8 main programme. The PT BSI program includes educational programs, health, level of real income or employment, economic independence, socio-cultural, environment, establishment of community institutions and infrastructure. (Red//JN).

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