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Broken Road Protest, Residents Lay Out Banners “Welcome to Joglang Sewu Tourism”

Photo: kabarrakyat
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Photo: kabarrakyat

BANYUWANGI - Dozens of Canga'an Village residents, Wetan Tile Village, Tile District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, took to the streets and carried out demonstrations related to the damaged road throughout 1,5 kilometers along Jalan KH Ahmad Kholil which has not been repaired, Monday (29/4/2019).

Reporting from Kabarrakyat, dozens of residents unfurled banners and collected signatures during the peaceful demonstration.

"This action is a form of disappointment from the residents to the Government of Banyuwangi Regency because the damaged road has not yet been repaired,said the demonstration coordinator, Muhammad Andrean.

"So far, only promises. There was no response and no intention from the government to repair the damaged road,added Andrean.

Photo: kabarrakyat

Inhabitant, he continued, hope that the regional government of Banyuwangi Regency will immediately repair the road which has been badly damaged.

"Residents hope that the local government of Banyuwangi Regency will immediately fix it,” he said.