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Posyandu Jiwa, How Banyuwangi Recovers and Empowers ODGJ Patients

Posyandu Jiwa, How Banyuwangi Recovers and Empowers ODGJ Patients
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BANYUWANGI, JURNALNEWS – Di Banyuwangi terdapat Posyandu Jiwa yang khusus menangani pasien dengan gangguan mental atau Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ). Apart from receiving mental health recovery services, mereka juga dilatih dan diberdayakan sesuai dengan passion mereka.

Dengan melibatkan relawan dari masyarakat sekitar serta pendampingan dan pengawasan tim kesehatan jiwa dari Puskesmas, ODGJ patients are empowered. Some are directed as artists, seamstress, to culinary businesses.

Bupati Banyuwangi Ipuk Fiestiandani berkesempatan melihat langsung keahlian para pasien ODGJ ini menampilkan seni jaranan, at the Karangrejo Hamlet Hall, during the activities of the Ngantor Regent in the Village (Village Flowers), in Cluring Village, Cluring District, Thursday (27/6/2024).

Some of them are gamelan musicians, some are also buto horse dancers.

“This is a very good program. Apart from that, his mental health was restored, ODGJ patients are also empowered, so that it is easier for them to be accepted by society," said Ipuk.

“Through this program, ODGJ patients receive support from local residents, hope to recover soon," added Ipuk.

Program Posyandu kesehatan jiwa ini digagas oleh Puskesmas Benculuk, Cluring District. Program ini melibatkan masyarakat sekitar yang tergabung dalam relawan “Kader Jiwa” yang bertugas membantu tim kesehatan jiwa Puskesmas.

Currently there are total 10 soul cadres involved. Para kader ini akan menyampaikan informasi terkait keberadaan dan perkembangan kondisi pasien lalu menginformasikan kepada tim Puskesmas ketika ada suspek ODGJ baru di masyarakat.

“After getting the information, our team will review it directly in the field. We will carry out a screening to determine whether you have a mental disorder or not. Screening is also needed to determine the type of treatment that suits the patient's condition," said the Head of the Benculuk Community Health Center, Tatiek Setyaningsih.

Residents who are declared to have mental disorders, further treatment will be carried out. Such as administering medication and mental therapy by mental health nurses.

“In our therapy, besides there are medications that must be taken regularly, we also provide them with activities according to their talents and interests," he said.

Current existing 14 pasien ODGJ yang aktif memeriksakan diri ke Posyandu Jiwa di Puskesmas Bencukuk. The team is also on standby 24 hours if at any time there are reports from residents.

“Selain tim Puskesmas, juga melibatkan unsur Forpimka dalam penanganan ini,he explained. (*)