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Banyuwangi Police Arrest Six Fake Police Extortion Residents

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In the year-end press conference held by the Banyuwangi Police on Monday (27/12/2021) there is one thing that is interesting, namely the disclosure of the alleged extortion case with the modus operandi of the perpetrators claiming to be members of the East Java Police Satnarkoba Resmob.

Banyuwangi Police Chief AKBP Nasrun Pasaribu conveyed the chronology of the arrest of the suspects starting from the report of the victim MJ, (60 year), farmer, islam, the address of residence is in Sidodadi Hamlet, Karetan Village, Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi.

“On Monday date 20 December 2021 about an hour 22.00 WIB at the victim's house MJ was visited by the suspect SM and invited to nyabu (Narcotics) but the victim doesn't want to, soon at the victim's house was visited 3 a man who claimed to be a police officer at the East Java Regional Police Narcotics Division, then it was as if the victim MJ and the suspect SM were arrested and put in a car where the victim MJ had his hands tied behind his back and the victim's eyes were covered with a ninja hat then the person claiming to be a police officer took them to the Polda and it was discovered that the victim was taken to Jember precisely in the Ambulu area, "said the Head of the Banyuwangi Police AKBP Nasrun.

Furthermore, the Head of the Banyuwangi Police said that later there was a bargaining transaction for the price of the victim being asked for money 40 million if you don't want to be taken to the East Java Regional Police, also suspect SM, as if asked for money 60 million because the victim did not have money, then the suspect SM took the initiative to telephone another actor, namely the suspect SD, whose role was to persuade the victim's wife, SR, to pay the amount of 40 million as a ransom for her husband.

"Because the victim's wife had no money, the victim's wife left to pick up her husband by bringing her red horse Mitsubishi vehicle Nopol P-1286-W, and when he arrived in Ambulu, the SD suspect pawned the car and admitted that he had received as much money 20 million but actually the cash that can be as big as 15 million. Then the money was handed over to the suspect SM and it was as if the money was by SM as money 86 to other suspects, then the victim and his wife were allowed to go home and report the incident to the Purwoharjo Police, "explained the Banyuwangi Police Chief.

Following up on the report, a joint team from the Banyuwangi Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the Purwoharjo Police Criminal Investigation Unit conducted an investigation with and on Wednesday. (22/12/2021) suspect SM has been arrested, (46 year), self-employed, Islam, Address of Kedunggebang Hamlet/Village, Tegaldlimo District, Banyuwangi and SD, (52 year), self-employed, Islam, Address of Sidodadi Hamlet, Karetan Village, Purwoharjo District, Banyuwang, and the results of the initial interrogation of the two suspects admitted that they had engineered it together with other actors as if they were police officers from the East Java Regional Police for Narcotics.

"After securing the two SM and SD perpetrators, development was carried out from the statements of the two suspects and on Thursday (23/12/2021), the team succeeded in securing other suspects and a number of pieces of evidence, "said AKBP Nasrun.

The perpetrators who were arrested included the suspect NH alias HS, address Puger Jember, PR suspects, address of Tamansari Village, Wuluhan District, Jember and the suspect DD, Wulong District, Jember and DN alias KB Address Krajan, Ambul, Jember.

Evidence secured in the form of cash Rp 4.000.000, – (four million rupiah), BCA ATM card, one unit of Red Horse Mitsubishi Car (belonging to the victim) and 5 (lima) cellphone unit belonging to the suspects.

The Banyuwangi Police Chief said that currently for the purposes of investigation and investigation the suspects are being held at the Banyuwangi Police State Detention Center. They are thought to have violated the article 368 Criminal Code on extortion with the threat of imprisonment forever 9 (Nine) year.

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