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Madani Housing at Madania Residence

CHARACTER: Madania Residence's house building and environment are smarter, intellect, and uphold morals, law. as well as professional.
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CHARACTER: Madania Residence's house building and environment are smarter, intellect, and uphold morals, law. as well as professional.

GENTENG–The housing business in Banyuwangi will be more competitive with the presence of Madania Residence in Tile City. Not just housing, Madania Residence carries the concept of a housing model built with a new concept of civil society.

That is, a society that has characteristics as a religious society, personality, spiritually intelligent, intellectual, and uphold morals, law, as well as professional. Marketing Madania Residence, Ivan says, his party offers alternative housing that is able to accommodate all the characteristics of the people in Madania Residence housing.

There are several types of housing on offer, i.e. type 30, 36, 45, 54, 70, and 105. The price starts from Rp 65 million to Rp 520 Million. "We provide alternative and superior media to create an ideal society", namely civil society,”Said Iwan to RaBa, yesterday. To realize this housing, his party has realized as much 7,5 hectare (Ha) soil, to build a residential area with its facilities.

Like a mosque, playground, futsal field, pool re in general, pa ving block neighborhood road, cable TV network, and internet. Including cleaning management, security, and environmental comfort. "The area of ​​land needed in Madina Residence is the largest in Tile". For further information please call the phone 0333- 7770002 or 085331363636," he said . (radar)

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