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Association of Indonesian Consultant Experts Holds National Construction Symposium 2023 at the Ciputra Hotel Jakarta

Association of Indonesian Consultant Experts Holds National Construction Symposium 2023 at the Ciputra Hotel Jakarta
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Jakarta, Jurnalnews – Association of Indonesian Consultant Experts (PERTAHKINDO) held a National Construction Symposium on 12 December 2023 at the Ciputra Hotel Jakarta. The symposium had a theme, "Strategy for Development of Collaboration and Innovation in Providing Industrial and Community Construction Services in the Digital Era".

In the symposium, General Chairperson of the PERTAHKINDO Central Management Board Ir. Aries Wimaruta, MM. conveyed that PERTAHKINDO had been accredited at LPJK. PERTAHKINDO has also established the National Pertahkindo Construction Certification Institute (LSP PERTAHKONAS) who is currently serving 96 work positions from operator level to expert level and has published more than 4.000 SKK.

Ir. Aries Wimaruta, MM also said that the National Construction Symposium was a Sustainable Professional Development activity (PKB) which is routinely implemented in the framework of training for members. PERTAHKINDO hopes that the event, which was attended by experts from PERTAHKINDO members throughout Indonesia, can contribute ideas from all parties., so that a strategy can be produced to develop collaboration and innovation among all parties so that the Indonesian construction workforce is able to adapt in the current digital era.


The symposium event was opened online by the Director General of Construction Development, Ir. Rachman Arief Dienaputra M.Eng. In his speech, the Director General of Construction Development expressed his appreciation to PERTAHKINDO as one of the construction worker associations that has been accredited so that it can establish a Professional Certification Institute (LSP).

The presence of LSP is very much needed in the national development process, especially development in the infrastructure sector. The success of development is largely determined by the competence of the experts involved in the development process. It is the duty of associations and LSPs to produce competent experts. Besides that, cooperation and collaboration from all stakeholders; like LPJK, BNSP and the PUPR Ministry are really needed, one of the implementations is the National Construction Symposium activity . Therefore, The Director General of Construction Development hopes for cooperation and collaboration of all stakeholders, must be improved.

The resource persons at the symposium were members of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), Miftakul Azis, MH., Director of Institutional and Construction Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Ir. Nicodemus Daud, M.Si. and Chairman of the Construction Services Development Institute, Ir. Taufik Widjoyono, M.Sc.

Miftakul Azis, MH in his presentation entitled "The Role of BNSP in Increasing Optimization of the Role and Function of LSP Construction Services Professionals in Synergy with Accredited Professional Associations" conveyed the importance of experts having Work Competency Certification (SKK) which is proof of the competence of experts obtained through a competency test referring to the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards, International Standards and/or Special Standards. LSPs that can issue SKK are LSPs that are licensed by BNSP. Therefore, Synergy between LSP and BNSP is really needed.

Meanwhile, Ir. Nicodemus Daud, M.Si. delivered a presentation with the title "Optimizing the Implementation of Policies for Providing Indonesian Construction Services and Businesses". He said that currently technological progress is so rapid that it requires regulations so that technological progress can contribute to national development. For example, currently using Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become a necessity in construction projects, However, there are still many obstacles in the implementation process in the field, So there is a need for regulations so that the use of technology can improve Indonesia's construction services business.

Besides that, Ir. Nicodemus Daud, M.Si. reminded that currently artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) It has been used in all business fields, including construction services businesses. Construction service actors must adapt to these technological advances.

Next, Ir. Taufik Widjoyono, M.Sc. conveying the role of LPJK in increasing the competitiveness of business entities and a professional and competitive workforce. Ir. Taufik Widjoyono, M.Sc. conveyed this in a presentation entitled "The Role of LPJK in Accelerating Collaboration and Innovation in Competitive Professional Construction Business Services".

The symposium event was hosted by Ir. Napoli Situmorang, MT., MH., IPM. (deputy head of construction services, DPP PERTAHKINDO), attended by 250 participants directly and more than 100 participants via online platforms, the event went well and smoothly. The dialogue process went well, so that it can produce constructive thinking to explore strategies for developing collaboration and innovation for all stakeholders in the construction services industry in the current digital era..

The success of the symposium event cannot be separated from the solidarity of the organizing committee led by Gandhes Esthi Ningrum, ST., IAI, and full support from sponsors such as Bank Central Asia, PT. LSP Pertahkindo National Construction, Tarumanagara Foundation, PT. PROPANE RAYA, ICC, MIDEA, PT. REALM, PT. MAKMUR INDUSTRY SHOW, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDONESIAN CONSULTANTS, TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION DEVELOPMENT CENTER (P3SM), INDONESIAN CONSULTANT ASSOCIATION (PERKINDO), LSP ATAKI, HYPTATION, as well as all Regional Management Boards of the Indonesian Consultant Expert Association (PERTAHKINDO).

From the collaboration established in the symposium, PERTAHKINDO hopes that more innovative ideas and strategic steps will be born that will be able to lift the Indonesian construction industry to a higher level in achieving a Golden Indonesia. 2045.

(Reported by Muhammad Fadhli)