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Visitor Killed, Police Call Antogan Tourism Manager

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KABAT-Police officers immediately acted regarding the death of Moh Alfatih, 3, from Pakis Village, Banyuwangi District, who died because he allegedly drowned while swimming at the Antogan tourist site, Bunder Village, Kabat District on Sunday (1/1).

Antogan tour manager, Misbah, summoned to the Kabat Police for questioning yesterday. Victim's parents, by the police also called. "We want to know about the accident,said Kabat Kapolsek, AKP Heri Subagio. But, honey, the chief of police was reluctant to detail the results of the tour manager's inspection.

From a source at the police, the tourist spot is actually still in the process of being built and has not been launched yet. "The victim's parents realized their negligence and asked not to be extended, when the incident his parents were at the scene,said the chief of police.

On Jawa Pos Radar Tile, Antogan tourism manager, Misbah, said the toddler who died was allegedly due to cold, not pure sinking. When it happened, It was raining and the victim was still taking a shower. “Pool depth only 50 centimeter, his parents were also around the location,He said.

As a form of responsibility, when the incident occurred the tour manager also accompanied the victim to PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Rogojampi. "We will deliver it to PKU Muhammadiyah to Fatimah Hospital and return to the funeral home, we just got home takziyah,"explained Misbah at the Kabat Police yesterday (2/1).

Misbah acknowledged that the Antogan tourist site was still under construction. But, before opening by accepting tourist visits for the new year, his party has coordinated with Forpimka Kabat. “We put supervisors in the swimming pool,He said.

As previously reported by Jawa Pos Radar Tile, New Year's holiday sacrifice. A toddler was found dead while bathing in Antogan's bathing pool, Bunder Village, Kabat District yesterday (1/1). Allegedly, a boy named Moh Alfatih, 3, from Pakis Village, The Banyuwangi district sank while swimming at depth 50 centimeter.

An incident that shocked the Antogan tourist visitors, in the village of Bunder it happened at about 16.00. At that time, the police came and headed to the location of the swimming pool. "At first I thought it was a fight, it turned out that there was a toddler who was carried by a resident whose body was already blue and foam was coming out of his mouth,said Candra Purnama, 32, Antogan tourist visitors. (radar)

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