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Sleepy Driver, Brio Perched on Double Way

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UPDATED: Residents and police helped evacuate the Brio car which was stuck on the double way on Jalan Brawijaya Banyuwangi yesterday (6/4). Photo :

Allegedly sleepy, Oktin Atmi Yati, 38, Umbulrejo Hamlet residents, Bagorejo Village, Srono . District, had a single accident on Jalan Raya Brawijaya Banyuwangi at 07.00 yesterday (6/4).

A red Honda Brio car with plate number P 1436 The VE got stuck on the road divider (double way) to the south of the Grha Pena Banyuwangi office.

There were no fatalities in this single accident incident. Brio driver who works at BPJS Health Banyuwangi, safe from death. "Purely a single accident, there were no casualties, only material losses. The car suffered minor damage," said the Head of Banyuwangi Police, Inspector Budi Hermawan.

According to Budi, The single accident occurred when the victim was driving his own car from Srono to his office on Jalan Attorney General Suprapto. When you arrive at Jalan Brawijaya, the vehicle is traveling at high speed. "The possible speed of the vehicle is above 50 km/hour,He said.

The victim could not control his vehicle because the path he was traveling on was slightly curved. Accidentally, The car went to the right. "The vehicle immediately hit the double road.

The panicked victim still stepped on the gas. It is suspected that the victim was sleepy because he had to leave in the morning. The car actually perched on the road median,said Budi.

Eyewitness at the scene of the Misnadi incident, 50, say, The red car was driving from south to north at quite high speed.

As soon as it hit the road divider, The car went straight up the road divider as high as it could 50 cm. "Luckily there were no vehicles in front of him. If there is a vehicle, maybe it could be a different story," he explained.

The incident of the car perched on the double way became a spectacle for passing residents. The police also arrived to provide assistance. Residents and police helped evacuate the car by lifting it together. (fre/aif/c1).

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