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Added security to Ketapang Banyuwangi Port 6 SSK Weekend Holiday

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Banyuwangi Monday, 20 May 2024 17:56 WIB

Number of security personnel at Ketapang Port, Banyuwangi, will be added. The addition of personnel was carried out because this weekend there is a long weekend holiday in commemoration of Vesak Day, followed by collective leave. The total personnel to be deployed reaches 6 company-level units (SSK).

East Java Police Chief (East Java) Inspector General Imam Sugianto conveyed this when reviewing security at Ketapang Port, Banyuwangi, Monday, 20 May 2024. He was accompanied by the Banyuwangi Police Chief, Commissioner Nanang Haryono, and the main East Java Regional Police officials. Security at the Ketapang port has been tightened in the context of World Water Forum security operations (WWF) 10th in Bali.

"Alhamdulillah this is the fifth day since 16 May we have a squad, For the past five days everything has been observed to be sloping,he explained.

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According to him, increase in car traffic, there is no significant increase in motorbikes and people heading to the island of Bali. In fact, it is still in the normal category, namely below 10 thousand per day. He hopes, this condition was maintained until the closure of WWF 25 May 2024 later.

This two star Police General, confirm, that needs to be anticipated, on 23 In May there will be the Vesak holiday and community holidays. So there is a long holiday weekend from Thursday to Sunday. Mengantisipasi long weekend tersebut pihaknya akan menyiagakan personel yang cukup.

“Yaitu yang sudah incharge 300 (employee) plus 3 SSK, plus 3 SSK lagi untuk melapis dalam rangka menyelenggarakan KRYD (kegiatan rutin yang ditingkatkan),” he said.

Mudah-mudahan dengan personel sebanyak 6 SSK itu, he continued, bisa mem-back up petugas yang sudah bertugas di pelabuhan Ketapang. Selain penambahan dari personel Polri juga ada pelibatan anggota TNI. He hopes, pergerakan mobil dan manusia menuju Bali pada hari libur akhir pekan nanti tidak siginifikan.

Untuk mendukung pengamanan di pelabuhan Ketapang ini, according to him, sudah ada penambahan CCTV seperti hasil evaluasi yang disampaikan Kabaharkam Polri Komjenpol M. Fadil Imran sebelumnya. He mentions, sel ada penambahan CCTV di pintu masuk. Tepatnya setelah check door, termasuk dipintu masuk kendaraan dan sepera motor untuk memantau pergerakan orang.

"Exist 58 CCTV is installed at this port. Hopefully the additional CCTV can back up the security of the movement of people heading to Bali," he concluded.


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