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Banyuwangi Regency Government Accompanies Children Victims of Abuse from Biological Father and Stepmother

Banyuwangi Regency Government Accompanies Children Victims of Abuse from Biological Father and Stepmother
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Banyuwangi Thursday, 12 September 2024 15:19 WIB

Banyuwangi Regency Government provides assistance to MSL, 3 year, residents of Tampo Village, Cluring District, Banyuwangi. This boy was a victim of abuse from his biological father and stepmother.

Banyuwangi Regent, Ipuk Fiestiandani said, This assistance is to ensure that the victim has received treatment for his physical health. The district government also provides psychological assistance to restore his mental condition.

“All medical costs are borne by the Banyuwangi Regency Government,” clear, Thursday, 12 September 2024.

Ipuk admitted that he was concerned and sad about the incident of domestic violence. Ipuk has ordered the relevant agencies to continue monitoring the child's development.

“I have asked the relevant agencies and the Community Health Center to continue to monitor developments in this case. Starting from physical to psychological health of children. It is also seen that when the family is in financial difficulty, they give help with the empowerment program,” strictly.

Head of Social Service for Women's Empowerment and Family Planning, Henik Setyorini, Psychological assistance has been carried out intensively so that victims do not experience trauma. Psychologists have been involved since Monday, 9 September 2024 then. Assistance will continue until the victim's psychological condition completely recovers.

"We hope that the victim will not experience trauma. All costs are borne by the district government,” he said.

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Henik added, Women and Children Protection Task Force (PPA) returned to the field to carry out a comprehensive assessment regarding the case. Apart from seeing the progress of the victim's condition, The team also took an inventory of the victim's needs for health and mental recovery, also related to family conditions.

"For example, if economically it really needs help, Later we will propose social assistance or empowerment programs to improve the economy," he explained.

This alleged abuse occurred on Friday, 6 September 2024. The victim suffered wounds and bruises almost all over his body. This condition was allegedly carried out by the victim's biological father and stepmother.

The victim has been living with his biological father and stepmother and was invited by his biological mother. The victim was taken to the nearest Community Health Center for treatment. At the moment, The case has been handled by the police.

"Currently the victim is with his biological mother and we will continue to monitor his progress," he said.

Henik also emphasized this, The district government continues to strive to suppress and combat cases of violence against children and women. PPKB Social Services together with various parties continue to collaborate to provide education and outreach to prevent child violence. The district government also has a comprehensive Rindu Room service.

“This program provides counseling and legal assistance, medical, and psychosocial for women and children victims of violence. As well as an economic independence program for women victims of violence," he concluded.
