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Opening of the Cheerful Time Contest by the Banyuwangi Ministry of Religion

Opening of the Cheerful Time Contest by the Banyuwangi Ministry of Religion
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The opening of the digital-based Madrasah Smart and Quiz Fun Period for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah throughout Banyuwangi Regency was held at the Telkom Banyuwangi Office Monday (25/03/ 2024).

In this cheerful period activity, all Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah throughout Banyuwangi district will participate, who will win prizes provided by sponsorships, etc..


In his speech, the chairman of the committee, Dimas, said that he was very grateful to all the sponsorships that had supported the activities carried out by his institution and the Ministry of Religion of Banyuwangi Regency.

The next speech by the head of the Telkom Banyuwangi branch, Anas, said that he was only socializing about "Pijar Sekolah" where as a State-Owned Enterprise PT Telkom is obliged to assist in school programs, especially school digitalization..

"For this reason, Telkom Banyuwangi will collaborate with schools in Banyuwangi in the context of digitalizing schools with the "Pijar Sekolah" program launched by Telkom Banyuwangi, "explained Anas.


This Cheerful Period was opened by the Head of Education at Madrasah Dimyati, S.Ag., MM., who said that this was the first time the Quiz Competition had been held on a digital basis. It was hoped that all students would gain new experience and knowledge in this activity. This activity is a collaboration between the Madrasah Education Section and Oseng Nusantara and Telkom Indonesia.

“This activity aims to select outstanding students who have acquired knowledge and put it into practice later, "said Dimyati.

Next, participants start competing for MI by answering questions in the quiz so that those who win will compete to the next round.(AM)