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Muncar fishermen start to go to sea

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MUNCAR – During Eid al-Fitr, almost none of Muncar's fishermen go to sea. And that makes the price of fish at the Kalimoro Brak Fish market, Kedungrejo village, Muncar District quite skyrocketed.

The fishermen who live on the coast of Muncar, it started not going to sea since Saturday (24/6) until Saturday (1/7). Only on Sunday (2/7), they started working again to find fish. "During Eid the price of fish is expensive, because fish are hard to come by, fishermen do not go to sea,” exclaimed Suhairayah, 45, fish trader from Tembokrejo Village, Muncar District, yesterday (2/7).

According to Suhairiyah, since the first Eid on Saturday (25/6), There are already fish traders who open stalls and sell fish. Fish sold come from factories in Muncar. “Fishermen all off, fish take at the factory," he said.

Because fish are hard to come by, Obviously he, then the price is also quite expensive. The price of tiger prawns on the first day of Eid reaches Rp 125 thousand per kilogram. even though, at the end of fasting only around Rp 70 thousand to Rp 85 thousand per kilogram.

“The price of snapper fish is now Rp 60 thousand per kilogram, during fasting only Rp 40 thousand per kilogram,” he added. The price of tuna, which was previously only Rp 15 thousand per kilogram, now up Rp 20 thousand per kilogram.

“For crabs now Rp 125 thousand per kilogram, previously only Rp 90 thousand per kilogram. All this because there are no fishermen to go to sea,” the light. Meanwhile, one fisherman, Dardiri, 46, from Blambangan Village, Muncar District, predicts fish prices will fall again after the fishermen return to sea.

"Tomorrow (today) fish prices will start to fall again, because there are fishermen who go to sea,” he said. Just on Tuesday (4/7), it's clear, fish prices will return as in fasting, because many fishermen go to sea.

“Monday (3/7) fishermen will work a lot more, and Tuesday (4/7) the price of fish must be normal again,” he said. (radar)