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Prisoner Crying Listening to Kiai Azaims Tausiyah

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BANYUWANGI – Caretaker of the Salafiyah Syafiiyah Islamic Boarding School Sukorejo Situbondo, KHR. Achmad Azaim Ibrahimy, yesterday (8/2) Greet hundreds of prisoners assisted by the Correctional Institution (Pages) Banyuwangi. In front of the builders, Kiai Azaim gives tausiyah for one hour in the center of the prison.

The charismatic kiai's talk really touched the feelings of the inmates and prisoners. Not a little, The inmates shed tears when they listened to the kiai's tausiyah, which has tens of thousands of students. The voice of analysis, creed, and selawat added to the busyness of the day's study.

Interesting, in between studies, The assisted residents also listened to the Bening Sholawat group from the Sukorejo Islamic Boarding School. Kiai Azaim came with H. Ikrom Hasan, a former member of the Banyuwangi DPRD and Chairman of IKSASS Banyuwangi Muhammad Farid who is also the founder of the Banyuwangi Islamic School.

Also present were several members of the Academic Community of the Da'wah Faculty of the Ibrahimy Islamic Institute of Religion (IAII) Sukorejo. In front of the builders, Kiai Azaim advised not to take a step back in life. He also asked the prisoners and prisoners to always renew their faith.

Kiai Azaim also told about the companions of the prophet who had a dark past. Umar bin Khatab, for example, was initially the main enemy of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, in the course of time, who would have thought that then the tomb of Umar bin Khatab is closest to the Prophet.

"So it's good to think of God,"Kiai Azaim's message to hundreds of residents of Banyuwangi Prison yesterday. The kiai who has two sons invites the inmates to always renew their faith. The trick is to reproduce the sentence of monotheism. Also disclosed, judge someone not only by appearance because the result ends in abstract.

"One's goodness depends on oneself and one's heart",“the message. After giving tausiyah, Kiai Azaim was asked to lead a prayer with prison officials and all residents. Head of Banyuwangi Arimin said, This activity is part of the development of prison residents.

Through the messages and lectures given, it is hoped that they can provide spirit and motivation for prison residents to be able to return to the community. “It's never too late to start,He said. The presence of Kiai Azaim to the Class III A Banyuwangi Prison yesterday became a place for da'wah to the inmates.

Besides that, is a collaboration on the implementation of internships by ten students of the Da'wah Faculty of the IAII Islamic Guidance Study Program Ibrahimy Sukorejo. Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah IAII Ibrahimy, Syamsul Hasan |, M.Pd explained, The presence of the interns is expected to be able to appreciate their knowledge while studying on campus.

“The interns are present at the prison in order to learn from anyone and at the same time practice the knowledge gained in college,'' said Syamsul, who also accompanied Kiai Azaim yesterday. (radar)