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The Mystery of Esti Darmawan's Death: Tragedy at Kos Jajag, Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI, Jurnalnews – A small village called Jajag, which is located in the Krajan area, Gambiran District, Banyuwangi, East Java, shaken by a terrible tragedy that occurred in a boarding house neighborhood. Esti Darmawan, an old man 51 year old who lives alone in his boarding house, found dead rotting in the room on 21 October 2023, around 18.30 pm. This story shook the entire village and became a mystery that the authorities had to solve.

Victim, Esti Darmawan, is a man who lives alone, it has stayed at its cost for the past few years. His tragic death was discovered one evening i.e. on Saturday by his brother, Sulastin, who came to visit him.

Originally, Sulastin tried to call his brother from downstairs, but didn't get an answer. With worry, he decided to go up to the second floor where Esti's room was. However, as he approached the bedroom door, he felt a very unpleasant smell coming from the room. Sulastin became increasingly anxious and suspicious that something was wrong with his brother.

Afraid of the increasingly strong smell, Sulastin immediately asked his other brothers for help. Together, they opened the door to the room. What they found shocked and horrified them. Esti Darmawan was lying on the bed, in a very terrible condition. He doesn't wear clothes, and his body had rotted away. Sulastin immediately realized that his brother was dead.

In a state of panic, they immediately contacted the police to report this tragic death. Authorities soon arrived at the scene and began investigating this mysterious case.

Sulastin, victim's brother, expressed how shocked he was when he found his brother in such a condition. Sulastin could not hide his anxiety and sadness, and he was willing to provide all the information he had to help with the investigation.

"I panicked and was shocked to see my sister in such a condition," he explained.

The police, with the help of a forensic team, immediately take action to carry out a post-mortem and further investigation regarding the death of Esti Darmawan. The people of Jajag village were also curious about this case, and they are waiting for the results of further investigations from the authorities. (Ags/Red/JN).
