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Melin Alfi Nurjannah, Santriwati is fluent in four foreign languages

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Afternoon Teaching Mandarin, Maghrib Learning to recite the Koran

LOOK AT A GLANCE, Melin Alfi Nurjannah's figure looks like local Banyuwangi women in general. His accent is also very Indonesian. Not westernized. Nor Mandarin-Mandarin. There's also no obvious Japanese accent.

No wonder, when he was put into Islamic boarding school (Islamic boarding school) Adz-Dzikra in the middle of last November, the administrators and students did not know his proficiency in Mandarin, English, and Japan. Never mind the ability to speak a foreign language, Many administrators and fellow students don't know that Melin is a mixed-race Taiwanese-Indonesian girl.

Melin's proficiency in Mandarin was only revealed at the inauguration of the Islamic boarding school that H. Ahmad Wahyudi 26 November 2016. even though, The inauguration procession took place about a week after the second child of the couple Huang Shi Chun from Gao Xiong City, Taiwan, and Qona'ah, a native of Banyuwangi, He was staying at the Islamic boarding school which contains the Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque.

The story, The inauguration of the Islamic boarding school was attended by the Consul General (Consul General) China in Surabaya, Gu Jingqi. Bukan hanya Gu Jingqi, Several ustads from the bamboo curtain country were willing to go all the way to Banyuwangi to attend the inauguration of the Islamic boarding school whose building carries typical Chinese architecture..

Nah, At that time, Melin saw several ustads from China and consul general staff sitting in the invited chairs. He approached and spoke in Mandarin to ask permission to take a photo with them. "People- the Chinese native looked surprised. Including the consul general,he recalled.

Instead of directly responding to requests for group photos, The Chinese ustads were busy "interviewing" Melin. They ask lots of questions. Start by asking whether there are schools in Banyuwangi that teach Mandarin?Where did Melin get her ability to speak Mandarin?? and so on.

In short, Melin's questions and answers and the Chinese people were known to several administrators of the Adz-Dzikra Islamic Boarding School. Until finally, the boarding school caretaker, HA. Wahyudi, heard the news. Even, It was later revealed that apart from being fluent in Mandarin, Melin is also fluent in English and Japanese.

“But for Japanese, I've only mastered some general conversations. Because before moving to Banyuwangi, I've only been studying Japanese for six months,"Account". Yes, Since childhood, Melin and her father and mother have lived in Bali.

During his stay on the Island of the Gods, dia menempuh pendidikan di sekolah internasional, yakni Universal School, Denpasar. “Saya belajar di Universal School sejak jenjang SD hingga semester pertama kelas XI SMA," he said. Setelah pindah ke Banyuwangi sekitar empat bulan lalu, Melin mondok di Ponpes Adz-Dzikra.

Selain menempuh pendidikan agama di ponpes, dia juga melanjutkan pendidikan formal. Saat ini Melin bersekolah di SMA 17 August 1945 Banyuwangi. Meanwhile, setelah mengetahui kepiawaian Melin berbahasa Mandarin, pengurus pondok memintanya menularkan ilmunya kepada para santri, khususnya santri jenjang TK, SD, dan SMP. Pelajaran bahasa Mandarin dia berikan tiga kali dalam sepekan, tepatnya setelah salat asar.

“Saya senang mengajari adik-adik belajar bahasa Mandarin. Because, according to me, dengan menguasai bahasa Mandarin, peluang mengakses lapangan kerja semakin besar," he said. According to Melin, teaching Mandarin to children can be said to be easy and difficult.

"There are children who easily understand the lessons I give. Some are slow. The key is to be patient and painstaking," he explained. On the other hand, after teaching elementary to middle school students, it's Melin's turn to study. Melin with his junior high school students, senior High School, and universities, reciting the Koran every evening.

Apart from learning religious knowledge, he also intensely studied Arabic. Result, Melin is now fluent in Arabic. Interesting, besides being a Mandarin teacher, Melin often acts as an impromptu guide for tourists from China who visit the Adz-Dzikra Islamic Boarding School complex.

“Maybe because the architecture of this Islamic boarding school building is typical of China, Many people from China and Chinese descendants come here (Adz-Dzikra Islamic Boarding School),"Account". Melin's ability to speak, read, and writing Mandarin is not only obtained from school. Since he was little he was taught to communicate using Mandarin by his father.

“But, rather rarely taught by father. Because my father works in the shipping sector, so I rarely go home. However, since fifth grade, My father insisted that I study Mandarin more intensely,he said.

Melin's father is increasingly boosting his baby's Mandarin skills because he is bringing his wife and children- his son visited his extended family in Taiwan. “Actually, when I was little, I was often invited to visit my extended family in Taiwan. But, because it's still very small, Papa doesn't mind that I can't speak Mandarin," he concluded. (radar)