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Entering the Palace Cave Meet Two Meditating People

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AFTER visiting the teak papak site, Our journey continues by entering Alas Purwo. But before, have to go back to the four-way intersection in Pasar Anyar, Kalipahit Village, Tegaldlimo . District, with a distance of approx. 6,5 kilometer.

Like when leaving, the path that is passed is a road full of holes and trees. Arriving at the intersection of Pasar Anyar, we continued our journey to the south with the aim of Trianggulasri Beach with a distance of approx 15 kilometer.

Even though there are no trees on the road that is passed, like to the papak teak site, but the terrain is more severe. The whole road is full of quite deep puddles. “Alas Purwo is quite famous, but how come the road is not fixed,Cetus Achmad Fikri AF, the director of LKIS Jogjakarta while controlling the steering wheel.

The first two kilometers enter Alas Purwo, still in the middle of the village. But the road is badly damaged. Because the previous night it just rained, every puddle on the road is full of mud. That broken road, until entering the seventh kilometer.

Even if the road is broken, we tried to enjoy the trip while seeing the view of teak and mahogany trees that grew big on the right and left of the road. The sound of birds chirping, make the trip a little entertaining. When the dry season, deer and peacocks are usually milling about along the road leading to the middle of the forest. But, this time we were unlucky.

Not a single protected animal is seen. If there is, only the jungle fowl immediately disappeared into the bushes. “The jungle fowl is really good,Fikri said. Entering the eighth kilometer, the journey starts comfortably. The road in the middle of the forest, just finished repairing with hotmik asphalt.

But just enjoying the trip, we have to stop by reporting to the Rowobendo Post, at the same time pay the entrance ticket. "Pay too, yes,” said Fikri while being so cute. From Rowobendo Post, the journey is very smooth with smooth roads. The newly repaired road, arrived at Trianggulasri Beach.

We didn't go to Trianggulasri Beach, but go straight to Sadengan, a savannah that made a place for wildlife. Again, we are unlucky. Arriving at Sadengan, there is only a herd of bulls. Peacocks that are usually found at the location of the surveillance tower, only a few tails appear with quite a distance.

"The peacock's feathers are falling out again","explained one of the TNAP officers who tried to explain. Satisfied enjoying Sadengan, we continue to Pancur Beach. In this place, all visitors to Alas Purwo will gather. And from that place too, several tourist sites and sacred places to be reached.

At first, We want to go to Plengkung Beach which is already worldwide. But, The intention had to be canceled because they had to rent a car that had been provided. "You can't bring your own car, have to rent a car at a cost of Rp 250 thousand,said Yudha, one of the officers at Pancur Beach.

Failed to Plengkung Beach, the journey continues to the initial mission, holy place. The choice falls on the Palace Cave. The distance from Pancur Beach to the palace cave, it's about two kilometers and must be traversed on foot. “Let's go to the palace cave together,"Invite a young mother with her entourage.

The palace cave is quite well known. In the middle of Alas Purwo, there are actually many sacred caves, besides the palace cave there is a hermitage cave, mayngkoro cave, and others. Compared to a few years ago, The road leading to this palace cave is now pretty good with stones. Even though it used to be, in the form of soil and very slippery when it rains.

Two kilometers walk towards the palace cave, it's quite good for those who are not used to walking. Especially, the road is often uphill. But jokingly, everything doesn't feel. “The water is so clear,Fikri said when he met the flow around the road leading to the palace cave.

The walk to the palace cave is also quite exciting. Along the way, you will be treated to various types of bamboo plants. Besides that, In the middle of the forest there are also very large trees. "Well that's the palace cave already seen,Said the young mother while cheering.

The castle cave is on a hill. But, to go to the known most sacred cave in Alas Purwo, steps have been made. "Let's go in together,"said the young mother who claimed to be pregnant. "Cook to lose to me who is pregnant,"he said to one of his friends who was being held by his husband.

Enter the castle cave, the smell of frankincense is starting to feel. By using the lighting from the hand phone (HP), we tried to enter down a slightly slippery road. Just walked about five meters, we stopped because we saw two people sitting in the corner of the cave.

"Someone is meditating", let's just go out so we don't disturb,”Invited a man who joined the group. Men claiming to be from Purwoharjo Village/District, conveyed many times to Alas Purwo and the palace cave.

Usually, the number of people who meditate is quite a lot. That palace cave, including the most visited places. "It's only two people, usually a lot, they have all kinds of desires,"he said while asking not to be named. (radar)

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