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The crowd raided the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters and questioned the forced pick-up of Pakel residents

The crowd raided the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters and questioned the forced pick-up of Pakel residents
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BANYUWANGI, – A number of residents from Pakel Village, Licin District, raided the Resort City Police Headquarters (Police Headquarters) Banyuwangi, East Java.

They came to ask the police for an explanation, regarding the forced pick-up of a Pakel resident named Muhriyono on Sunday (9/6/2024) night.

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The crowd consisted of men and mothers, came at two different times. First on Sunday (9/6/2024) evening and Monday (10/6/2024) afternoon.

According to one of Muhriyono's attorneys, Ahmad Rifai, Residents came to the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters to ask the police for an explanation regarding Muhriyono's arrest.

Pakel residents, he said, shows a sense of solidarity with Muhriyono and wants to ensure that Muhriyono's condition is fine

“Untuk memastikan (Seals) Just fine,” kata Rifai, Monday (10/6/2024).

Read too: East Java Regional Police's Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation and Co. Complained to Propam Polri Following the Determination of the Suspect 3 Pakel Farmers

According to information, Muhriyono was previously forcibly picked up by the police over a case of abuse that occurred in March 2024.

The case allegedly involved a number of local residents with security from one of the plantation companies there.

Before being forcibly invited, The police have sent summons to Muhriyono twice. However, Muhriyono himself never attended.

“Alasan ketidakhadiran itu karena dianggap namanya tidak benar. There was an error in writing the name,” ungkap Rifai.

Rifai reminded, so that the police carefully handle conflict cases among Pakel Village residents. It is known that the conflict between residents and the plantation has been going on for quite a long time and seems to have yet to find a common ground.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Banyuwangi Police, Commissioner Andrew Vega, said, His party has examined a number of witnesses in the case.

“Kami sudah memeriksa korban. And we have also taken statements from witnesses,” kata Vega.

According to Vega, investigators from the Unit 1 General Crimes (Pidum) We have also carried out an investigation of the crime scene (crime scene).

“Kami akan gelar perkara. Result, will be followed up later,” ujar Vega.

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