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Mosques Are Attacked by Congregants for Friday Prayers

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Photo: Radar Banyuwangi – Jawa Pos

BANYUWANGI – Jamaah Masjid Jami Besar Baiturahman di Desa Genteng Wetan, Tile District, Banyuwangi Regency, experienced a spike in last Friday prayer (1/5/2020).

Dilansir dari Radar Banyuwangi – Jawa Pos, so many pilgrims, the area inside the mosque is not able to accommodate and expand until the mosque exits.

Deputy Chairperson of the Baiturrahman Genteng Mosque Takmir Ainur Rofik said:, The congregation of Friday prayers which has exploded is the result of the number of mosques that have omitted Friday prayers.

Estimation, there is 700 Friday prayer congregation in attendance. Though usually, just about 500 pilgrims. Besides that, Friday (1/5) Yesterday also coincided with the red day of National Labor Day.

“Memang ada lonjakan jamaah, this is more than usual,” kata Ainur Rofik.

“Biasanya pelataran masjid jarang terisi,” he added.

According to him, the decision of the mosque management to continue to hold Friday prayers even though the Corona virus is still endemic based on the wishes of the surrounding community.

Besides that, The pilgrims are also very enthusiastic about carrying out worship during Ramadan.

“Masyarakat minta ibadah seperti biasa. That means don't take it off, like other mosques. And the mosque management obeys the wishes of the community,” kata Ainur Rofik.

Besides that, Until now, the takmir of the mosque has not received any notification letters from related parties. This is also the reason mosque administrators continue to carry out Friday prayers.

“Kami sudah melakukan penyemprotan cairan disinfektan ke seluruh jamaah yang masuk masjid, We also provide hand sanitizer for mosque worshipers who come,” kata Ainur Rofik.

“Jamaah pun diminta membawa sendiri sajadah dari rumah dan wajib pakai masker,” he added.

Therefore, he continued, all activities at the mosque continue as usual. Including lectures that have been routinely held 4 times a week.

“Cuma tergantung ustadnya, if you ask for a day off, then take a day off. But if from the management, there is no provision for a holiday," he concluded.

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