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Mar'atus Sholihah LDII Invites All Women's Organizations

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LOOK: The participants attended a women's seminar at the KORPRI building yesterday.

BANYUWANGI- Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), to achieve in the year 2015 by the world community is one of the efforts to reduce maternal mortality ( AKI ) and child mortality (AKA), nutritional prevalence, and a reduction in the number of infectious diseases.

In order to assist the role and support government programs, a group of mothers who are members of the women's organization Mar'atus Sholihah under the auspices of the Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute (LDII) Banyuwangi Regency is working with the Mobilization Team (TP) Banyuwangi regency PKK, organize women's seminars.

The chosen theme is "Increasing the Role of Women's Organizations in Facing the 2015 MDGs" in Banyuwangi Regency. Seminar participants came from the management of the Women's Organization Movement (GOW) Banyuwangi Regency, NU Muslims, Fatayat NU, Aisyiyah, administrators of Hindu organizations, Budha, Kong Hu Cu, Catholic, and Christian, as well as members of the Mar'atus Sholilah group.

The speaker for the seminar was Hj. Dani Azwar Anas, Head of Health Service (Kadinkes) Hariadji Sugito, Director of Blambangan Hospital dr. H. Taufi q Hidayat, Bucket, and dr. Rio. Suprayaka, SPd, the chairman of the DPD LDII Banyuwangi said, the women's seminar which was held at the KORPRI Banyuwangi Building aims to provide an overview of the condition of public health degrees in Banyuwangi Regency, related to AKI, AKA, and mortality from infectious diseases.

Besides that, as a means of outreach about reproductive health, flagship health program, and control of infectious diseases. "This event encourages participants to take concrete steps to achieve the 2015 MDGs," explained Suprayaka. On that occasion, The head of the TP PKK Dani Azwar Anas welcomed the women's seminar organized by the Mar'atus Sholihah group.

According to him, the seminar was very useful, especially for women. At the moment, The role of women greatly supports the achievements of their husbands and provides early education to their children. "The role of women really helps the development of development in Banyuwangi,'' said the wife of the Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas. (radar)

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