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Five People Arrested After a Meth Party at the Hotel

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BANYUWANGI – Five people consisting of 4 a man from Jember and a woman from Banyuwangi held a methamphetamine party at a hotel until they were finally arrested by the Police on Jalan Raya Jember to be precise in front of the Raung Hotel in Krajan Hamlet, Kalibaru Kulon Village, Kalibaru District, Banyuwangi Regency.

The fifth is Didik Sugianto (34) and Hariyanto (49) both of them are residents of Krajan hamlet, Panti Village, Panti District, Jember; Mohammad Kurdi (39) residents of Dusun Mojo RT 01 RW 02 Beteng Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency; David Hariyanto (30) residents of Dusun Krajan RT 02 RW 27 Gabang Village, Parang District, Jember.

And a woman in the name of Viky Novitasari (24) residents of Dusun Krajan RT 05 RW 04 Yosomulyo Village, Singojuruh District, Banyuwangi Regency.

Banyuwangi Police Narcotics Head, AKP Muh.Indra Najib, who participated in the arrest, said, previously, the police received a report from the public about a group of drug users who rented a room at a local hotel, which is suspected to be used for shabu parties.

"A number of Satreskoba members rushed to the TKP to carry out investigation development,said the Narcotics Unit.

"When the raid was carried out, the five of them were already in the hotel parking area to leave the location,” he added.

Along with that, the police immediately stopped a white Daihatsu Terios car with number W 1138 RH which contains the perpetrators. Next, carried out a search in the car until successfully found evidence 1 package of methamphetamine-type narcotics weighing 0,35 gram, 1 the fruit of the container of the solution bottle and on the lid there are two holes, 3 glass pipettes that still have methamphetamine residue after consumption, 2 gas lighters and cash Rp 300.000.

"To the officer, they admitted they had just thrown a meth party in the hotel room,said the Narcotics Unit.

The five perpetrators were then sent to the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters along with the evidence to develop the investigation.

The Narcotics Unit added, in this case his party really needs the participation of the community to continue to report to the police regarding the possibility of drug trafficking in their area.

"Because, the relatively minimal number of police officers still can't reach the maximum area of ​​Banyuwangi which is quite broad,” concluded the Narcotics Unit.

For all his deeds, The five suspects are charged with the article 114 sub article 112 sub article 132 RI Law No 35 year 2009 about Narcotics, with minimal penalty 5 years in prison.