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Five SOE Directors Give Lectures at SMAN 1 Turns

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GIRI – Direktur PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero), Tri Herutantoyo, visit his alma mater, Public High School 1 Turns, Banyuwangi, yesterday (22/5). In front of hundreds of his underclassmen, The man who is fondly called Heru explained the success story that he lived until he succeeded in occupying such an important position today. hope, all the students of the school that used to be called SMPP are motivated to achieve a better future.

Heru motivated all his classmates by saying that when he was in SMPP (high school old name 1 Turns), the facilities available at the school are not as complete as they are today. However, when he graduated from high school and took part in the selection to enter the State College of Accountancy (STAN) followed 125 thousand participants, he was accepted into the school. "Currently, the learning support facilities at SMAN 1 Giri is much more complete.

I'm sure the brothers and sisters will be able to carve out a towering achievement beyond me,"said Heru, greeted by applause from hundreds of students who packed the Ourdoor Learning Center (OCL) Public High School 1 Turns. Heru emphasized, From now on, students have to instill clear goals for their future. He also urged students to choose an education major that suits their talents and interests. “Any field doesn't matter. The important thing is to be diligent and serious,he said.

Confirmed after being a teacher for a day at SMAN 1 Yesterday's Giri, Heru said he was happy to be able to visit his alma mater. It says, apart from staying in touch, coming to high school 1 Giri this time is a state task that was delivered by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Dahlan Iskan. "On this occasion I can give a concrete example to the younger siblings" (high school students 1 Turns) through my personal experience,he said.

Meanwhile, high school principal 1 Turns, Mujiono says, Teaching Directors activities like Heru's are very important to motivate and inspire students. "In mid-December", we will do charity (kind of reunion). Successful alumni in various fields, good professional, military, you, etc. we will invite. We will meet them with students and parents. So that students can dig up information and tips on how to become successful people,"said Mujiono.

Further, Mujiono added, besides Heru, before high school 1 Giri also has four alumni who are now directors of other SOEs. Among them, President director (CEO) Inhutani IV (Persero), Hadi Siswoyo; Director of Planning and Development of PTPN III, Nur Hidayat; President Director of PT Telkom, Arief Yahya, and President Director of Indonesian Credit Guarantee (Jamkrindo), Nanang Waskito. (radar)

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