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Christmas holiday, ASDP Determines Ketapang-Gilimanuk Route Specifically for Motorcycles, Mobil & Bus

Christmas holiday, ASDP Determines Ketapang-Gilimanuk Route Specifically for Motorcycles, Mobil & Bus
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PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) continue to maximize operational services on the Ketapang Pass – Gilimanuk during peak Christmas and New Year traffic (Nataru) 2023-2024. During this period, Ketapang Port focuses on serving small/private vehicle users, wheel 2 and tour buses.

“According to the instructions of the Ministry of Communications, during the Christmas period passengers and passenger vehicles will receive top priority in service,” said ASDP Corporate Secretary Shelvy Arifin in a written statement, Tuesday (26/12/2023).

ASDP is preparing the Bulusan pier to support the diversion of services for logistics trucks on the usual LCM Ketapang to Gilimanuk route, from Bulusan to Gilimanuk. The hope is that the separation between passenger and goods vehicles can improve the quality of operations and services at Ketapang Port.



Besides that, the diversion of seaborne transportation services for electric trucks was also diverted to Anchor Port (Situbondo) go to Sheet (NTB).

This year's community movement is considered to have increased. “We see a significant increase in passengers using ferries during the Christmas holidays, especially two-wheeled and private car drivers who want to go on holiday with their families towards the end of this year.,” Shelvy said.

It was recorded as much 241.057 people have crossed from Ketapang Harbor to Gilimanuk Harbor from 18-25 December 2023. The peak density of flows leaving Nataru occurs on Saturday (23/12).

Based on the data, passengers crossing from Banyuwangi to Bali on Saturday (23/12) or H-2 Christmas reaches 43.467 person. Meanwhile, for two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles, the peak density occurred on the 3rd day of Christmas with their respective totals 31.836 units and 32.940 unit.

During this Christmas, ASDP Ketapang Branch prepares facilities and infrastructure to provide excellent service to the community. Available 57 the ship unit is ready for operation, 792 parking capacity at Ketapang Harbor, and 659 parking capacity at Gilimanuk Harbor.

To anticipate the second peak flow towards the end of this year, ASDP prepares a number of strategies and coordinates with BPTD as the regulator in determining ship schedules, serta dengan pihak kepolisian terkait pengaturan lalu lintas jalur dari dan ke pelabuhan. Hal itu dilakukan demi menjaga kelancaran, keamanan dan ketertiban.

Kami telah menyiapkan antisipasi terkait terjadinya antrian kendaraan di dalam pelabuhan, salah satunya dengan adanya screening tiket di area buffer zone, sebagai salah satu upaya delaying system sehingga kendaraan tidak memadati pelabuhan,” he said.
