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Visit TPS3R Banyuwangi, Coordinating Minister for Marvest Invites to Expand Circular-Based Waste Management

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“Untuk penjualan plastiknya, minggu depan akan diekspor ke Autria untuk pertama kalinya melalui EcoPlast Kunstsoff Recycling,he explained.

Meanwhile, Manajer TPS3R Bio Mandiri Lestari, Nungki Rosalina menjelaskan bahwa program ini telah menjangkau 7.500 KK from four villages in Muncar.

One of the effects, he said, There is no longer any flooding in the village.

“In the past, every time it rained, it would flood because the river mouths and drainage were clogged with rubbish. But now it is flood free, because no one throws rubbish into the river or sewer. Village officials also support what we do. The Village Head even requires residents who will handle letters at the village office to have a Yellow Card (village waste contribution card),said Nungki.

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