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Visit Banyuwangi, Japan Will Support the Development of Smart Village Technology

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BANYUWANGIKAB.GO.ID – Banyuwangi-style village level service program, Smart Village, received special appreciation from the Government of Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun also stated that it would provide technological support for the development of Smart Village in Banyuwangi.

This was revealed by a study team from the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs, infrastructure, Tourist, and Transportation (FILLED) Japanese who came directly from Japan to Banyuwangi. The team is led by Project Director Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd., Hidetoshi Tamaoka, who has been in Banyuwangi since 30 January-10 February 2022.

In Indonesia, only exist 2 areas that are pilot projects of the Japanese Government, One of them is Banyuwangi Regency.

Hidetoshi Tamaoka mengaku, initially thought that Smart Kampung only focused on village digitization efforts. "Apparently not. In the field, I see that Smart Kampung is a policy that focuses on improving services that are easier and faster. We've asked a number of residents, on average they claim to be satisfied with the services provided,” Kata Hidetoshi Tamaoka.

He was received by the Regent of Banyuwangi Ipuk Fiestiandani during the activities of the Regent of Ngantor in the Village (Village Flowers) in Setail Village, Tile District, Wednesday (2/2/2022).

Previously, the Japanese team visited the Smart Kampung implementation in Sukojati Village, Blimbingsari District. Over there, he saw how the villagers arranged for population documents using independent machine platforms using only KTPs. They saw how the village office was built as a center for residents' activities. There is also the village budget displayed.

“It's not just making ATM machines, but Banyuwangi also trains villagers to carry out digitization. Besides that, here also complement it with mobile services to residents. Banyuwangi does not just create a digital network, but furthermore also build a human network. Human relations are still maintained,” Kata Hidetoshi.

according to her, what the village in Banyuwangi did was also worthy of being emulated by the Japanese. “This is incredible, digital networks and human networks are built simultaneously and are increasingly expanding. Even in every village, for better service, Village staff innovate to solve problems in the field. This is something worth emulating,” he added.

His party also stated that they are ready to support the development of Smart Village. He mentions, at least there is 3 sectors that will be the focus of future development, namely tourism, agriculture, and MSMEs.

"We want to take advantage of digital technology in Japan to support Banyuwangi. Of course adapted to the conditions that exist here. That's why we came to map out what kind of program is suitable to be implemented in Banyuwangi," he said.

The Regent of Ipuk expressed his high gratitude for Japan's support for Smart Kampung Banyuwangi. “Japan is one of the advanced countries in the field of digital technology. Cooperation with Japan is certainly a good opportunity for Banyuwangi," said Ipuk.

Smart Kampung is an integrated village development program that combines the use of optical fiber-based ICT, productive economic activity, creative economic activities, health-education improvement, and poverty alleviation. This program has been running since 2015 then also designed to make public services in Banyuwangi, especially for villagers to be more efficient and effective.

“Program Smart Kampung untuk memudahkan pelayanan publik hingga tingkat desa, coupled with empowerment. The end is to improve the socio-economic welfare of citizens," said Ipuk.

Equipping Smart Village, Banyuwangi is now also making the Regent Ngantor program in the village (Village Flowers), district heads routinely have offices in the villages. Stay a day there, from morning to evening to break down and pick up balls for various citizens' affairs.

“Banyuwangi is the largest area in Java. There are residents living in the village on the plantation. Remote access. Some services are online, but not all citizens have a smartphone. So we bring the service closer there, we bring government services closer, especially administration services,he explained.

Based on cross-departmental data, the number of matters that received solutions while working in the village reached more than 25.000 affairs of various sectors have been unraveled. “There are children who are threatened with dropping out of school, immediately resolved. There are transportation problems for health workers in difficult geographical areas, resolved too. Including seeing what infrastructure needs to be addressed immediately,he explained.

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