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Chairman of LRPPN Banyuwangi Denies Allegations of Mistreatment of Rehabilitation Clients Who Died

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BANYUWANGI, Jurnalnews – Muhamad Hikhsan, Chairman of the Bhayangkara Indonesia Narcotics Abuse Prevention Rehabilitation Institute (LRPPN – BI) Banyuwangi, denied comments from a non-governmental organization regarding alleged irregularities in the death of a client who was undergoing rehabilitation at his institution.

The allegations include indications of abuse and violations of standard operating procedures (SOP) in picking up rehabilitation residents, mentioned until he was tied up with handcuffs.

Responding to these accusations, Muhamad Hikhsan emphasized that all the claims made by these non-governmental organizations had no true basis. According to him, the client in question, Mohamad Irfan, died at the Blambangan Regional Hospital due to internal illness, in line with the diagnosis received from the hospital.

“The late Mohamad Irfan died at the Blambangan Regional Hospital, which is indicated to be caused by an internal disease, previously we also referred him to the Fatimah Banyuwangi Hospital,said Hikhsan.

Hikhsan emphasized that LRPPN – BI Banyuwangi is always committed to carrying out the rehabilitation process by complying with applicable rules and procedures.

He invited non-governmental organizations and the general public to come together to support and understand their efforts in helping residents who are in the rehabilitation process.

Tensions between the LRPPN – BI Banyuwangi and non-governmental organizations continue to grow, and it is hoped that further investigation will bring clarity regarding this incident.

According to Hiksan, the agency really cares about its clients, which is proven by all the costs of treatment since they were in the hospital, the family even received compensation from the institution.

“Because the deceased was our client, We have good intentions to cover all hospital costs, We even provide compensation to the families of the deceased, that's a form of our empathy for the family. "And you need to know that for the death of Mohamad Irfan, the family did not blame us in the slightest, as proven by a statement letter signed by the Village Head." he added.

Hiksan also emphasized that the family did not make any demands,"Peace is based on kinship and deliberation and consensus and the family does not make legal demands." Hiksan stressed.

Hiksan also provided an explanation regarding the process of picking up Mohamad Irfan at his residence in Glenmore District, yang pada saat itu tangan korban di ikat menggunakan tali borgol. According to him, hal tersebut merupakan skenario yang telah disepakati dengan keluarga.

“Sebelum melakukan penjemputan klien, kami telah berdiskusi secara bersama-sama dengan pihak keluarga. Pada kenyataannya, penggunaan tali borgol merupakan bagian dari skenario yang diinginkan oleh keluarga. Tujuannya adalah agar almarhum Mohamad Irfan percaya bahwa keluarganya tidak akan melaporkan atau menyalahkan pihak keluarga. Keputusan ini telah disetujui secara bersama-sama," he concluded.

Berkaitan dengan isu yang disengaja oleh oknum LSM, Hiksan, melalui Penasehat Hukum LRPPN-BI, Agus Dwi Hariyanto, SH, MH, menegaskan bahwa langkah hukum akan diambil untuk menanggapi sangkaan yang tidak benar tersebut.

"We, sebagai perwakilan dari penasehat hukum LRPPN-BI, pastinya akan mengambil langkah hukum. Isu, sangkaan, dan tuduhan yang disengaja terhadap lembaga kami adalah tidak benar dan merupakan kabar hoax. Therefore, kami akan mengambil langkah hukum,” ujar Agus Dwi Hariyanto.

he added, lembaga panti rehabilitasi menjalankan tugasnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 39 Year 2012 tentang penyelenggaraan kesejahteraan sosial. chapter 5 verse 1 until 4 menjelaskan bahwa rehabilitasi sosial dapat dilaksanakan secara persuasif, motivatif, dan koersif, baik dalam lingkungan keluarga, public, maupun panti sosial.

“Rehabilitasi sosial yang dilaksanakan secara koersif sebagaimana diatur dalam ayat (1) adalah tindakan pemaksaan yang dilakukan dalam proses rehabilitasi sosial,” jelas Agus Dwi Hariyanto. (Red/JN).