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Village Head Aliyan Anton Sujarwo Elected as Chairperson of ASKAB Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI - Head of Aliyan Village, Anton Sujarwo, elected as Chairman of the Association of Banyuwangi Village Heads (Askab) after succeeding in winning over his rival the Head of Kandangan Village, Riyono. Anton became chairman after bagging 92 voice. Difference 23 sound from Riyono who got it 69 voice.

“The result, Brother of Village Head Aliyan Anton Sujarwo was elected after voting,” kata Ketua Panitia Pemilihan Askab, Ali Nurfatoni, after the District Conference (Muskab) Askab which was held at the El-Royale Hotel Ballroom Banyuwangi, Wednesday (8/1/2020).

Reported from Kabarjawatimurcom, the Muskab Askab event was marred by a Walk Out action by Muskab participants. That matter, according to Tony, everything went smoothly and without a hitch.

“Andaipun ada beberapa Kades yang memilih walk out selama acara berlangsung, it is their right to privacy,” kata Toni yang juga menjabat sebagai Kepala Desa Sumberarum, Songgon District.

“Semua peserta menginginkan untuk tetap dilanjutkan. So no delay,” he added.

Meanwhile, Askab chairman Anton Sujarwo expressed his many thanks to all parties who had carried out the muskab in an orderly manner and went well.

Upon his election as Chair of the Askab for the period 2020-2025, his party will establish communication with all village heads in Banyuwangi to jointly raise the Askab organization.

“Kita akan rangkul semua rekan-rekan kepala desa lainnya. Toh, we have the same vision and mission, namely advancing the village and the welfare of the community,” tegas Anton.

“Yang jelas saya berterimakasih kepada semua pihak. For other technical matters we will soon discuss internally later,he concluded.

Just to know, from 189 Head of Village in Banyuwangi, just about 162 only the Village Head took part in the Askab Muskab event until it was finished.

The rest, unable to attend or walk out during the procession. Besides Anton Sujarwo and Riyono, actually still there 1 the remaining votes are for the Sukojati village head, Blimbingsari District, Lucky Suripno.

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