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Successive accidents occur on Jalan Raya Kabat, Traffic was disrupted

Successive accidents occur on Jalan Raya Kabat, Traffic was disrupted
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Condition of the Daihatsu Grand Max after an accident in Kabat, Banyuwangi, Saturday (09/12) – Successive accidents occurred on Jalan Raya Rogojampi, Enter Labansukadi Hamlet, Labanasem Desa village, District of Kabat, Banyuwangi Regency, Saturday (09/12/23). This incident was conveyed by the Head of the Rogojampi Police Traffic Unit, Ipda Wahid Hasyim, when met by Banyuwangihits Journalists after the incident..

“The accident occurred at around half past one in the afternoon,"explained Ipda Wahid Hasyim.

The Head of Unit then said, The vehicle involved in the accident was a tanker truck with plate number N 9704 UA is driven by Dany Setiya Kurniawan (37) Residents of Kertosari Village, Banyuwangi District/Regency with passenger Dafid Rezikumar (25) residents of Jatiroto Village, New Source, Jember, Toyota Kijang with plate number DK 1561 AAN was driven by Indri Tedi Irawan (38) with passenger Erwin Lukiwati (33), Tutus Marantika (23), and Katiren (60). The driver and passenger of the Toyota Kijang are residents of Karangdoro Village, Tegalsari, Banyuwangi.

The next vehicle involved was a Daihatsu Grandmax with plate number P 9156 AE driven by Moh. Maskur Nurrozi (23) with passenger Subandi (49). Both are residents of Sumberkencono Village, Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi. Yamaha NMax has the number P 6190 QAD driven by Sri Agus Winarni (50) with passenger Hendriyani (51). Both are residents of Sragi Village, Songgon, Banyuwangi. Honda Vario with number P 3801 YF dikendarai Ivena Faradhila (26) having his address at Sempu Village/District, Banyuwangi.

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